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THE VILLAGE LOOKED EXACTLY how Morgana had remembered it. It was quiet, but it was alive, buzzing with small creatures and gentle winds and the soft ambience of the village square a short distance away. Colorful trees trembled in the wind, and golden leaves fell around their feet like a soft, warm welcome. Morgana was a Winter Faery, but for as long as he could remember, the Autumn Kingdom was his home.

He walked the path without a thought. It was second nature, even after all this time he'd spent away from his childhood home. His own cottage had likely succumbed to the neglect, but Astyr's never changed. The crimson tree in the front stretched high to the sky above them, casting a shadow over the cobblestone path leading up to her door.

As soon as he approached, Morgana hesitated. He'd leaned against Kit for support the whole way there, but suddenly it was comfort he sought as he clutched his arm tightly. He and Astyr never talked much, not since he grew up and went off on his own, but it had still been too long, and he was afraid of what she'd think of him. What if she saw him the same way everyone else did? As a traitor? As a fraud?

But when the door opened, revealing the small woman, her brown eyes widened behind her spectacles. She wasted to time in pulling him into her arms, and she felt like home. Titania might've given birth to him, but this was his mother. This was the woman who raised him and loved him and gave up everything for him.

"Momma," he wept into her hair. She smelled like cinnamon and spice with a trace of apple, as she always had, and it filled him with warmth.

"Morgana," Astyr replied. She held him for a long moment, but it wasn't long enough. She pulled away, glancing out the door, and quickly ushered the large group inside. "Come, come, quickly now. I don't think they'd react well if they saw you out here."

They filed into the small house, which was clearly not built for a worn out crew of twelve. Astyr hadn't the heart to make it known if she was bothered by it, though.

"Get comfortable," she said. Then, she turned to Mab and bowed. "Welcome, Your Majesty."

"Oh, no need," Mab told her with a wink. "Thank you, though."

Astyr ducked her head, glancing at the others. "Can I help with anything? Tea, perhaps?"

"Tea would be lovely," Eurion groaned at the same time that Namyra attempted to deny the offer.

"I'll get right on it," Astyr said, and turned her gaze to Kit and Morgana. "Boys, give me a hand?"

Morgana knew better than to think she was only asking for their help to serve tea. She led them into the small kitchen, tucked behind a wall, cozy and warm and filled with the aroma of home. He thought he could smell Saoirse there for a moment.

"Have you two figured it out yet?" Astyr asked as she lit the stove.

Kit and Morgana shared a look. "Figured what out?" said the faery.

Astyr looked between the two with a knowing glance. "You know what I mean."

Their cheeks warmed in unison. "Right," Morgana muttered. "Yes, we have. I think."

"That's good, I'm glad," she said. "Are you treating my boy well?"

"Mum, you don't have to--"

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