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"Mr. Lopez, it's good to see you again, and so soon. It feels like only yesterday you were stuck in the form of a young boy," Maryse Lightwood greeted him, with a nod of her head. Luis and Maryse had known each other for quite a while now and were on friendly terms. Of course, he knew how she treated her children and about her and Robert's situation with the circle. But he also knew that she loved them deep down and that she had believed in ridding the world of demons. 

He had known the woman since she was as young as Isabelle. He had been the person to offer the couple a second chance. Luis had always been involved in big decision-making tasks. Isabelle actually looked a whole lot like her mother when she was younger, even if she didn't want to admit it. 

Maryse was a fierce warrior and stuck heavily to the Shadowhunter rules. At least, now she did. She was always a strong believer that whatever side she was on was the right one. That she would always fight for the right cause. When she was younger, and was in Valentines forces, she had believed it as well, she thought that she was doing the world a favor by doing what the Clave could not. To wipe out the entire demon race was her goal, along with many others, but when she found out what Valentine was really planning, she fled. Maryse didn't want to wipe out the downworlders, no, that wasn't right. Many downworlders were innocent and you couldn't even find a spec of dust on their clean records. So she got her husband and went to the Clave to beg for forgiveness, which with the approval of Luis, they granted. 

But just because they were pardoned of their crimes against the Nephilim and the Downworlders, didn't mean that they weren't kept under a tight watch. Not at all, they were not allowed to talk about the Circle unless necessary. Or go on certain missions. Of course, Maryse and Robert hadn't told their children that the reason that they worked so hard to uphold the family name was because they had tarnished it. They didn't tell them that they were ever part of the circle. They were ashamed and didn't their children to look at them that way. So those who knew, didn't bring it up, even though they weren't specifically told got the message. 

Luis gave her a business smile and nodded. 

"It has been a long time, hasn't it?" Luis stuck his hand out for a handshake and she gladly took it, acting as if he had hung the stars. 

"I just sent Isabelle and Jace on a mission to do with the Seelies, I don't want to bore you with the details but I'd like to ask a small favor of you. If you would be so kind," Maryse shuffled slightly, Luis hadn't seen the woman act this way since she was in for her crimes. Luis gestured for her to go on, "Could you watch out for my kids? I know they think they're all grown up now and don't need protecting, but they're not as old as they think they are, and they're certainly not as strong as they think they are. They're going to get themselves hurt, I know that it's what we do. But please, look out for them as best you can," she looked at him with, a pleading look in her eyes. 

Luis thought about it and then nodded once again.

"I will, I'll watch out for your kids, I've already watched their back on some unsanctioned missions,"

Maryse made a face at the mention of the missions.

The tension in the elevator ride was thick, you could feel it seep into you and left you feeling awkward. Luis prayed to the angel that the doors would open soon. He didn't know how much longer he could stand it. Tapping his foot he avoided looking at either of the boys in there with him. Of course, Luis was stuck in the middle of a fight about Clary, figuratively and literally, both boys on either side of him. The doors finally dinged open and he hurried out and left for his room.

"You're the acting head of this Institute. If there's a diplomatic mission, you should go. Let's switch assignments," Jace finally spoke to Alec, turning to face him once they too got out of the elevator. 

"Nope. This time I'm actually gonna obey orders, and babysit your girlfriend," Alec stated, saying 'girlfriend' with disgust. 

"Clary? She's more like my responsibility. Hey," Jace grabbed Alec by his shoulders, making Alec look away,  "Hey, you'll keep an eye on her, right? What is wrong with you?" 

"I, uh... You have every right to be mad at me," Alec mumbled quietly, cursing himself for not escaping quicker.

"What did you do? Throw my leather jacket in the washing machine again?" Jace gave Alec his crooked grin, although he was very serious about his jackets, he couldn't be too mad at Alec for that as he would just be trying to help.

"This isn't a joke. At Magnus's. The demon... image of you," 

"That? You love me... so? I love you, too, Alec. Come on, man. We're Parabatai. We're brothers. We've spent almost our whole lives together. How could we not love each other? This is what's been bothering you? Seriously?" Jace didn't get it. He didn't get that it wasn't just a brotherly love, and Alec hated himself for it. He didn't understand how much Alec had to suppress his feeling so he could feel 'normal'. He didn't get how he had to think about his words and actions very carefully so he wouldn't accidentally out himself.

"Yeah. Yeah, I... You're right. That's true. I just thought you'd think that-" Alec cut himself off, he didn't dare admit it aloud.

"What? Whatever, okay. If you wanna follow Mom's orders tonight, that's great. But... please, just do me one favor... swear to me you won't take your eyes off of Clary. I- I can't believe I even asked you that. You won't let me down," Jace gave him a warm smile and embraced his brother. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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