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Luis looked up at the stars, feet dangling over the edge of the fire escape. It was almost silent, save for the occasional car that drove past, or animals making noise. He loved staying up and watching the sky, Jocelyn always told him that he was almost a vampire, save for the diet and the sun. 'Stay up all night and sleep all day was his motto.' His runes were peaking out under his shirt, not having to hide them as he was all alone.

He thought it was ridiculous that Clary was not to know of the shadow world. Jocelyn was only delaying the inevitable and it outcome would not be favorable, that he knew. He sighed and ran a hand through his short, wavy, auburn brown hair.

Whilst the New York institute did not know of his sister, they were, however, aware of him. They had their run-ins every so often and sometimes he was called in to help out on a mission. He never complained and they left him mostly alone to do his own thing. They knew that he wasn't a threat of any kind, or a circle member. He was a bounty hunter for the clave, he was fast and efficient, always getting his job done.

His phone let out a soft buzz , alerting him of a notification. He slid it out of his pocket and looked at the message. It was from Magnus Bane, the High Warlock of Brooklyn. He was on good terms with the man and they got along well. They had first met when Jocelyn went to him to beg for his help with taking Clary's memories away. Magnus had agreed, for a hefty price. The boys had hit it off right away, with Luis' demon blood coursing through his veins, he was the same age then as he was not, physically anyway. Of course, the pair had met many years before, but they never quite counted that as a meeting.

Yes, he was a Shadowhunter, but one of his parents was not. His mother was a vampire, she had gave birth to him nearly as soon as she was turned. Vampires could not have children, that much was true, but his mother was with child before she transitioned. He was sure it had nothing to do with his nocturnal tendencies, and his diet wasn't affected with blood. He liked his meat rare, much to Clary's disgust.

He read the message to himself in his head, 'To my dearest Luis,'  he snorted at that and continued reading, 'i was wondering if you would like to join me and some of my friends down at Pandemonium? We're having a few drinks, if you're interested. Shall I see you there?'  Shadowhunters weren't typically welcome there, it was where the demon blooded hung out without the scrutiny. Mundanes and the unholy could mingle together and have a good time. Magnus was the owner and Luis was a regular. He was often seen at that type of scene.

He shot back a quick reply to let his friend know that he was on his way and would get there soon. When he stood up, at least 50 places in his back cracked. He pulled his leather jacket on, this seemed to be the go-to for shadowhunters, he had no clue why. He activated a glamour to hide his runes from the world once again. Swinging down from his perch, he landed gracefully on his feet. He gave his signature black combat boots a once over with his eyes to make sure that they hadn't scuffed. Thanking Magnus silently for casting a charm on them to protect them from all sorts of things, scuffing and water just two of those things.

It wasn't a horribly long walk to get to Pandemonium from Jocelyn's house. He kicked a pebble down the street, seeing how long he could kick it with him. It was almost as if a small piece of his heart broke when it went flying askew and into the middle of the road. He didn't exactly want to leave it behind, but he also couldn't be bothered going to get it.

He slipped into the club, after flashing his quite useless and mostly for show, fangs at the bouncer. They worked the same way as any other fangs, but since he didn't need to drink blood, they didn't have a point. Unless he wanted juice and couldn't be bothered to actually juice the fruit.

His eyes scanned the overcrowded space, searching for his friend. Spotting magus in the corner with a few other males, he made his way over. On his way over, he bumped into none other than Alec Lightwood, acting head of the New York Institute. He gave him a polite nod and got one back.

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