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Luis stood out the front of Hunter's Moon at 8:59, dressed in black Jeans, a white shirt and his leather jacket. When the clock stuck exactly nine, Raphael walked up to him.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," Raphael's smooth Latino voice rang in his ears.

"I only just got here myself," Raphael nodded at Luis' words, reassured. For whatever reason, he felt connected to the boy, whether that was a good thing or a bad one, he did not know. 

"Would you like to go inside?" Raphael had already begun his march into the warm bar. He didn't wait for Luis reply and held the door open for him like the gentleman he was.

They sat down at a table near the back, in a secluded area. "So, Luis, where are you from?" Raphael asked, resting his chin on his hand. 

"London," Luis turned his head away from the people watching he was doing and looked at him, "Spain before that," Raphael's eyebrows rose in surprise. He could hear Luis' English accent, but he never noticed the Spanish one, lying underneath.

"So do you speak any Spanish?"


"Oh? Yo tambien," 

"Han pasado años desde que pude hablar con alguien en español," Luis' lip twitched upwards into a smile, pleased.

"Yo tambien," Raphael actually smiled, none of the vampires in his clan could speak Spanish and he had missed it dearly. It was his mother language and it would always stay close to his heart. Maybe, he thought, just maybe, whatever new relationship he and Luis would have, would bring them both closer to the language.

"So, Raphael," Luis couldn't shake the small smile off his face, "Where are you from?"

"Mexico, Zacatecas, to be exact," 

"Was it nice there? I've never been," 

Raphael had to think about it before nodding, it had been nice. Before the vampire infestation, he would spend almost every night out, with his friends.

"How old are you?" Luis blurted it out before thinking. Some vampires classified this as very private information and wouldn't tell anyone. 

"Which one?"

"Either," Luis didn't look embarrassed, but he was. You could notice his feeling in the small things he did. The way he acted.

"Fifteen," Raphael didn't spill the more private, much older age. He stuck to the age he was turned.

"Well, I'm sixteen," Physically, this was true.

Raphael nodded, there wasn't much of an age gap between them. 15 and 16 were quite close. Two 'Red Devils' arrived at the table, with real blood in it of course. They also came with two Brain Hemorrhage shots with plasma in them. 

"So, what was the best part and the worst part of your day?" Raphael asked him quietly, taking a sip of his Red Devil, they were saving the shots for last.

"The best and worst part, huh," Raphael nodded at him to go on, "Well, I suppose the worst part was nearly having a door fall on my head back at the hotel, that would hurt. The best part would have been meeting up with you," Luis was once again flirting unconsciously, it wasn't his fault. It was just his nature, "What about you?"

Raphael looked away, he hadn't felt like this, since, well, ever. This feeling was a whole new world of new. Luis made him feel a strange rush of euphoria when he was in his presence. It wasn't love, he decided. But he knew that it was pretty damn close. 

"What about me?" Raphael had forgotten everything they had been talking about and had focused on the low beating of Luis' heart, the way his eyes shone in the dark. How his dark curls fell into his eyes.

Luis laughed softly and smirked, "The best and Worst Part of your day," Raphael liked the way he sounded, the way his laughs rolled out in small waves, the way the left corner of his mouth went higher up at his smirk. 

"Oh, right, well, I'd suppose I would have to say I agree with your best part, and the worst part would be Simon ruining my brand new jacket. It was expensive, and I really liked it. I know it's stupid, but I had really wanted that jacket," 

"It's not that stupid, I get what you mean," Luis finished off his drink.

Raphael held his shot up and motioned at Luis to do the same. They clinked their shot glasses together and downed them. Luis let out a small 'wooh' in an exclamation of how hard the shot had hit him. It was strong, plasma always was. 

He couldn't remember how he had gotten to the institute that night.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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