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"Simon!" Clary shrieked, trying to go towards the boy with a dagger held to his throat.

"Clary! That's got gonna do any good," Jace reasoned with her.

"Listen to him, Clary Fairchild. Put it away. I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat. Don't give me a reason. Put it away!" Raphael nearly growled it out. The rest of the shadowhunters put their weapons away, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Simon. Simon, are you all right?" Clary was being frantic, not keeping her cool.

"I wouldn't say all right-" Simon started to say, but Raphael held the dagger closer to his neck.

"Stop talking! Now... if you would all just follow me. Let's go," Raphael led them up some stairs in a hallway, still holding the dagger to Simon's throat, Luis sticking to the very back of the group.

" Come on, let's go! Up here now! That's right, get down there now! Get down there or I'll kill him right now!" He was giving them all directions and the shadowhunters and half-shadowhunter complied.

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you. We just want Simon," Clary was trying, she was.

"I'm glad you do. We don't! We wanted you," Raphael's voice still held the vaguely threatening tone.

"Well, here I am," Clary moved towards him.

"Stop!" Jace grabbed her.

"I said, "wanted". Not my idea. Now, get out! Go!" Raphael glared at them all.

"Not without Simon," Clary protested.

"Shut up! Open that door right now or I'll kill him right here," Raphael was being sweet, he was trying to save them all. Luis was behind Raphael by a few metres, not that anyone had noticed.

"Listen to him," Jace urged the others.

Alec opened the door and sunlight shone through and into the hallway. Raphael hid behind some pipes to avoid any contact with it.

"Clary, go!" Simon was self-sacrificing, how cute.

"Go! Go! Go!" Jace practically shoved the others out.

"Go! Take him! Go!" Raphael pushed Simon towards the exit.

Simon turned to Raphael, "I don't know how to thank you,"

"Don't thank me. You mean nothing. This is about Valentine and the chaos he can bring," Raphael said stiffly. 

Jace sighed and grabbed Simon, "Come on!"

"Jace Wayland! Remember who your friends are," Raphael called as the door called.

Raphael turned around to get back and saw Luis.

"What are you doing- Luis?" Raphael looked at him surprised. 

"I- uh.. wanted to talk to you," Luis smiled awkwardly.

"Well make it quick, shadowhunter,"

"Half-Shadowhunter," he corrected.


"I'm only half-shadowhunter,"

"Then what's the other half?" Raphael hadn't thought to ask what he was at the bar, he had smelt both demon and angel blood in him and assumed he was a Seelie.


"Oh? So what do you want?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out at the bar...tonight?" Luis rubbed his neck awkwardly.

【𝕰𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 - ℜ𝔞𝔭𝔥𝔞𝔢𝔩 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔤𝔬】Where stories live. Discover now