Chapter 76

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Sidneet was going home back when a car crash them. Car went from there in high speed. Sidneet fell down from bike. Sid's head hit a stone and he fell unconscious. Avu too fell on road and hit on road. She became unconscious

Road was empty. It was early morning. Both were unconscious. Blood was oozing alot from sid's head

After few minutes. Avu got her conciousness. She looked around and saw Sid unconscious. Avu gathered courage and stood up and sat in front of Sid. She took his head on her lap

Avu (scared, tapping sid's cheek): Wake up, wake up (shout) help.... someone help (looking at sid): Wake up please

She was so scared. Tears were rolling on her cheeks. Blood was oozing from sid's wound alot

Avu: What to do? Firstly I need to stop this blood. Hmm......

She took her dupatta and tied on sid's head and again she was trying to wake Sid but he wasn't responding. Avu sighed heavily

She looked around and saw her phone. She quickly took it and saw it was broken

Avu's pov: Where is his phone? It must be in his pocket. How to take it now? Hmm......

She was looking here and there for someone but couldn't found anyone. Tears wasn't stopping. Her hands were also shivering. She was scared like damn

Avu's pov: You need to take it avu. There is no other option

Somehow she gathered courage and took Sid's phone. She quickly dial priya's no. Priya didn't received call, Avu call vaish. She received after few rings

Vaish (shocked): Sid.. you are calling this-
Avu (cuts her, sobbing): Di... We met an accident
Vaish (shocked): Avu? Where are you? Aren't you guys home?
Avu (sobbing): Di... we went for round. We are near JP lake. He isn't concious and and no one is around. Di please do something
Vaish (worried): Calm down.... I am calling ambulance. Soon ambulance will be there. Calm down. We are reaching hospital soon. From here till JP lake. Travel time is almost 40mins. So ambulance will reach before us
Avu: Yaa!! Okay di

Vaish hang up the call. Avu was trying to wake him, rubbing his hands, patting his cheeks

After around 20mins. Ambulance came there. Some men came out of ambulance van with stretcher. They took sid on it and place Sid in ambulance. Avu to quickly sat inside and they drove off hospital

After reaching hospital. Avu saw family was already there. Waiting for them. Dr was also there. Dr and nurses took Sid inside operation theater. Sm went to avu and hug her. Avu's condition was fully messed

Avu (broke down): Aunty... he.. he.. isn't waking.. blood... blood is conti.. continuously
Sm: Shh!! Shant!! Calm down. Sid will fine. Calm down

Avu nodded but still she was sobbing

Sm: Come.. let's see

Everyone went inside. They were waiting outside operation theater. Sometime later Ad and dadi to came. Avu saw them. She ran to Ad and hug him tight. She broke down without caring about anything. Till now for her everyone seems unknown. No doubt they are also her family but still

Dadi: Gudiya where is your dupatta? How you are roaming like this?
Harsh (rolling his eyes): Here her husband is in operation theater. She is fully mess and you are caring for a fucking dupatta?

Vaish went avu and gave her dupatta to avu. Avu broke the hug and wore it. She was looking down

They all were impatiently waiting for dr to come out

Ad: Avni, you too need bandaging on wound
Avni: No. I am good
Ad: Avu
Avni (looking down): Dad... he will be fine nah? He wasn't waking. Even alot blood loss
Ad: He will be fine. Don't worry. He will be fine

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