Chapter 2

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Somewhere else. It was afternoon. A girl, boy and 2 ladies was sitting in living area. Girl's face was cover with veil till her chin

Boy: So can I talk with Avneet alone?
Lady: Sure manjul you can. After all she is going to your wife, right neena ji?
A's dadi: Yes. Go Avneet. Take him to garden

Avu nodded. She stood up and manjul also stood up. Both went in garden

At garden

Manjul: Would you like to ask me anything?

Avni shook her head

Manjul: Alright! So as we will get married you have to leave your studies
Avi: If I want to continue it?
Manjul: See I want housewife. Housewife should know about kitchen not studies and books. What's the need of studies then?
Avi: Housewife should be educated as this helps them to run house properly and they can teach their kids too
Manjul (chuckled): My mother isn't educated but she runs house perfectly and teaching kids if mothers will teach kids then what's the need of paying fees to coaching and teachers

Avu nodded. She was feeling suffocated cause of veil

Avi's pov: It's hell suffocating but dadi strictly instructed to be in veil till last moment now what should I do?

Avi: Can we go back to our parents?
Manjul: Ahh! Shy girl. impressive. Yeah let's go

Both went back in living area. Manjul's mother wisper something in his ear. He nodded

A's dadi: Avu you go to room

Avi quickly went in her room and open her veil and took deep breaths

Avi (patting): Now I can breath. But how can he be such orthodox like oldies. He could have ask me by himself to remove the veil but he didn't. Anyways. I really not gonna marry him

She sat on bed and open her phone's gallery. Looking at a pic. She was grinning and blushing

 She was grinning and blushing

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Avi: Abhishek Sir. He is damn hot, cute and handsome. 1C times more than that manjul. He is open minded as well. I really want to marry him not with that idiot. Sir always understand. He knows I want to be physiatry. He even supports me as well being my teacher. How lucky I will be to be his life partner. Me physical fitness doctor and he physical fitness professor. A perfect couple we can be

Just then her dadi came in room

A's dadi: Avneet beta I fixed your marriage with manjul. As soon as you will be 18 you are going to marry him

Avni nodded looking down. Lady went smiling

Avi closed the door and fell on floor. She sat near door taking the support of door. Hugging her knees, buring her face in it. She was badly crying

Avi's pov: I am just 17. My marriage is fixed with don't know whom? I just know his name. Not anything else. I can't even share that I love someone else. Why this? I hate my life. I love Abhishek sir since 2yrs but I can't tell this to dadi. She won't support me I know

She sat there crying long time. It was evening now. When Avi's dadi call avni down

Avi wash her face then went down. A's dadi saw her swollen eyes and red nose

A's dadi (hug her): Arey you aren't going anywhere now. You have one and half month to turn 18 then we will get you marry not now

Avi nodded then her dadi starts explaining about her mother. Avni loves to listen her parents story

At Nigam mansion. As sid and aadi reached there. They saw the mansion was burning. Fire was spread everywhere. Alot of crowd was there

Sid (asking from people): What happened here?
Woman: This is a house of business man. His rival throw bombs here. Whole family was inside which died now. Rival got to know about the younger son. Now he is searching for him to kill him. Whole house, car and everything. Each and everything burned

Sid panicked. Aadi was getting scared. Sid took aadi in arms and ran from there

Sid's pov: My whole family died now they are behind me. I don't care about others but I can't let anything happen to aadi. I have to protect. I have to run out of this city

He was going don't know where

Aadi (sobbing): Chachu where we are going? I want mumma chachu. Where are they?

To be continue......

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