Chapter 30

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Sid (in cracky voice): Bhai am I doing right nah?
Abhi (apart the hug): Don't you want to get married? Why you are saying this?
Sid: It's not about marriage bhai but I am scared of alot of things
Vaish (held sid's arm): Come sit here and calm down then tell us what's going on in your mind

Vaish make him sit on bed. Abhi gave him water. Sid drank it and than took some minutes to calm down. Abhinavi sat either side on him

Vaish (held sid's hand): Say what's troubling you?
Sid: Bhabhi you know when Avneet got concious rather than giving support, her dadi beat her and even asked her for widow life. Bhabhi she is just 17. At the age of 17 suffering from all this. What she must be feeling now? When we went in her room. Mom, dad all were talking with her dadi. She didn't utter a word in whole time, leave about talking she didn't looked up. She was looking down only even her face was emotionless. We shouldn't have gone to room like this. She was fully embarrassed
Abhi (rubbing his back): It would have been wrong if we hadn't gone. Just think for once may be her dadi made her accept widow life. Maybe by now her relation with her broken. Don't worry about her. We all will take care of her. She is Anushka's friend. I will ask anu to meet her and check on her

Sid nodded. Abhi took his phone and call ridham. After some rings ridham received the call

Rid: Hi abhi
Abhi: Ridham is anu with you? I have to talk with her about important talk
Rid: Yaa she is with me
Abhi: Okay. Just put it on speaker

Ridham did. So abhi did

Anu: Hi what happened? Abhi
Abhi: Anu in morning ridham told me you know Avneet Nandra
Anu: Yaa. She is my childhood friend and neighbor as well. We are really close friends
Vaish: Hi anu. Vaishnavi here
Anu: Hey vaish. You guys sounds serious, is everything Okay?

Vaish narrates everything to Ridnushka. Both were shocked

Ridham: Means when I was searching for her in whole college. She was in KE building?
Abhi: Yaa
Anu: I am going to her home now. She needs me now
Vaish: Yeah and Anu if you want our any kind of help to divert her mind and change her mood. Let me know
Anu: Yaa. I will. Actually she loves shopping. So I think we can go for shopping. She will get new friends may be refresh her mind
Vaish: Yaa. You go and meet her now. After 2hrs. We can meet at mall?
Anu: Yaa
Abhi: Only you girls or we also can join you?
Anu: Yaa you join us. Okay. Bye

Anu hangs up the call and quickly got ready then went to meet Avni. She rang the bell. Servant open it. She went inside and saw A's dadi was sitting on sofa. A's dadi saw anu

Anu (touching her feets): Dadi I came here to meet avu. Abhi told me everything about morning
A's dadi (nodded): How you know abhi?
Anu: He is Ridham's friend. So he told me
A's dadi: Okay! Avni is sleeping. She didn't ate breakfast and now it's lunch time. Will you feed her?
Anu: Ofcourse dadi. Acha dadi, me and vaishu was thinking to take avni for shopping. Her mind will divert through this. So can I?
A's dadi: But drop her back on time

Anu went in avu's room and saw her sitting on bed lost in thoughts, tears on cheeks

Anu: Hey avneet
Avni (looked at anu): Di

Anu hug her. So avni did. She cried in her embrace. Anu gave her shoulder knowing she need to take her pain out

Some minutes later avni calm down. Anu sat beside her

Anu (held her hands): Tell me whatever is in your mind. I know you haven't share anything with anyone

Avni smiled little knowing anu cares for her. She is here to understand her. She told everything to anu except her love for abhi

Anu (kissing her forehead): You know. You are my brave girl. You can fight with all

Just then servant bring lunch for them. Anu was feeding avi and eating too while talking with avu. Avi was feeling relaxed and comfortable. Best friends are like Rays of sun. When everywhere is darkness. Friends gives you light of hope, happiness. After lunch

Anu: Avni let's get ready fast. We are leaving for shopping
Avni: Dadi won't-
Anu (cuts her): I asked her. She said yes

Avu got ready and both left for mall

To be continue....

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