Chapter 62

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After walking on burning coal for 7mins. Avni's condition became worst. She was sobbing violently and was wincing in pain. Her legs were numb but feets were inflaming. Her body body temperature rise

Dadi was also sobbing looking at her condition. She make avu sit on bed and brought a bucket of water which she already arranged. She took avu's legs put in water. Whole time avi was sobbing violently and wasn't able to bare the pain

After some minutes. Dadi took out avni's legs out of water and make her lay on bed. Cover her with duvet but not her feet. She turn on ac. She make avu drink water and wipe her tears. Avni was clutching on bedsheets as pain was unbearable

Dadi (sat beside avi): Calm down bacha. Calm down. Dr must be coming. Shant. I called Dr. Dr will be soon here. Calm down
Avu (sobbing, hiccup): Dadi, it's paining alot. Do something it's paining
Dadi (kiss her forehead): Calm down. Everything will be fine. Calm down

After some minutes. Ad came in room with Dr. Dr came and check her feet. Ad was feeling pangs looking at her condition

Dr (shocked): Her burnt is too deep. Take care of her alot. Don't let her touch feet on ground and I am prescribing medicines give it to here time to time. Now I am injecting her but after sometime she will be sleepy
Dadi: Okay Dr! How much she need in recovery?
Dr: As per condition almost 15-16days

Dadi nodded. Ad was sitting beside avu

Ad (gulping his tears): Bas princess shant. You my strong girl nah. Calm down

Dr injected her and after prescribing medicines. Dr left. Avu calm down after half an hour as per pain reduce. Ad and dadi was sitting with her only either side of her

Dadi (kissing avu's forehead): Meri gudiya still it's paining?
Avni (cracky voice cause alot of crying): Yes but not much
Dadi (nodded): I will stay here only with you

Avni nodded hugging her waist, laying on her lap. Dadi sat caressing her hair

Ad: Maa, princess I am coming in sometime

Dadi nodded. Ad left. Dadi laid beside avi. Avni hug her tight, sleeping on her chest. Avni's phone beeped, not once but was beeping continously around 10times. Avni lay properly

She took her phone and saw messages from Sid. She opened chat and saw message along with photos of photoshoot

Message: Here is soft copy of photos by morning I will get hard copy as well

Message: Here is soft copy of photos by morning I will get hard copy as well

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