Chapter 74

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At Nigam mansion. It was night time. Vaish, ash was arranging dinner. Avu was helping them. Abhi, harsh, priya, shivi was at dinning table, discussing something.... actually fighting over something. Arshiya was with them busy in sucking her toy. Sd and Sm came there

Sm: What's going on?
Priya (grumpy face): Mom... abhi bhai and harsh bhai are planning for club tomorrow

Sid came with aadi and sat on his chair

Sid: Nice idea bhai
Priya (glaring him): The way Arshiya hurt your finger. I will hurt your face
Harsh (snapping at priya): Oyy!!! Don't teach these rubbish to my princess
Ash (glaring harsh): You just shut up! Don't irritate my sister

Harsh was like: What the fuck!

Abhi (patting harsh's shoulder): I can understand your feelings

Harsh nodded sadly

Vaish (sitting beside abhi): Oo teacher ji! Be quite or I will punish you

Ash sat with harsh and took Arshiya. Arshiya starts crying loudly. Harsh took her back

Harsh (smirk): She is daddy's princess. Somehow she is baring you. Huff!!
Ash (smirking back): Di from tomorrow I will join office. Harsh will take care of his princess

Harsh frowned making everyone chuckled. Avni silently giggle. Sid patted chair beside him. Indicating Avu to sit. Avu shyly nodded and sat beside him. Everyone started dinner

Vaish: What you guys finalize about tomorrow?
Abhi: We are planning for club. I will ask rid and anu to join us
Priya (grumpy face): No club. I am not allowed
Harsh: That's your problem
Priya: Huh!!
Sm: Don't go to club. Go somewhere else
Sid: Ummm...... where?
Shivi: You go to hell. We will decide about ourselves
Sid: You are coming with me to hell. What the hell I will do there alone?
Shivi (smirk): Ofcourse I will come and make your pakoda. Special Siddharth pakoda by shivanshi (proudly patting her back)

Harsh 🥴: What the heck you both are talking? Yuck!!
Avni (getting along without realizing): When I was hospitalized. They both were talking this only
Abhi: That's why you healed quickly or you would have listen this shits
Shivi: Arey! But Siddharth pakoda I will make for you only avu. Who else will eat him?
Avni (shocked): Nooo.......

Her eyes were wide open with shock. Everyone laughs at reaction. Avni realizes her words. She get scared and nervous

Sm: Calm down beta. It's okay. They all like this only all the time. Don't worry

Sid held her hand under the table and squeezing it, calming her. She looked in sid's eyes with smile. Her cheeks turned a bit pink. They continued eating. Sid left her hand

Priya: We can have sleepover?
Vaish: Done. That's final. No more discussion
Harsh: Bhabhi, we are also here. Ask us if we want to or not
Ash: You don't want? Go and sleep. Take care of your princess. Good night
Priya: My bhabhis are the best
Shivi: Bhai it's final. Ask rid and anu if they want to join
Abhi: Hmm.... for tonight?
Priya: Yaa.....

Abhi nodded

Aadi: Sid chachu, I want icecream
Abhi: No icecream aadi. Its not good
Sm: Sid, after dinner. Go and buy icecream for aadi for everyone as well. Chocolates are also completed. So buy it as well
Shivi: Oyee! Bike ride?
Sid: I am in. Let's go
Vaish: Till the time you buy icecreams. We will arrange everything

They had dinner. Sid was about to go to bring keys

Sd: Sid client is asking about a detail. So come
Sid: Hmm..... Avneet will you please bring bike key from drawer beside bed?

Avni nodded. Sid went to Sd and avu went to room

Shivi: Bhai give me your bike keys
Abhi: Why?
Shivi: We are going to have bike race. That's not possible on one bike
Abhi: But you said bike ride?
Shivi (rolling her eyes): We aren't that we will go on one bike and Anyways for us bike ride means bike race
Vaish: Wait I will bring

Without letting abhi say anything vaish left. She brought abhi's keys. Sid also came back. Vaish handed keys to shivi

Sid: Here your bike is arranged. Why Avneet isn't back till now?
Harsh: Calm down she will come

After few seconds Avneet came. She handed keys to Sid. He mouthed thank you

Shivi: Let's go

Sidanshi left. Everyone went for their works. Avni stood there fiddling her fingers

Avni's pov: They both went on one bike? Are they both gonna be together at this time alone?

Ash (shooking her): What happened?
Avni: Nothing
Ash: Anyways you sit with Arshiya and aadi. Don't pressurize your feets. Mom, dad will take them in few minutes. They will be with mom dad and we will enjoy here

Avni nodded. She went and sat with Arshiya and aadi playing with them

With Sidanshi.... They reached were riding bike with speed on empty road. Speeding up the bike trying to take over from each other. At last Shivi won the race. As she reached few seconds ago from Sid

Sid (hoping down from bike): Thank me looser. As I let you win today
Shivi (sassy tone): Chal be! Thank and you. Not even in dreams, leave about reality

They went inside. Sid order chocolates and icecream for everyone

Sid: Looser wanna to have Strawberry shake?
Shivi: Ofcourse! Anyways treats is yours

Sid ordered shake as well then both went and sat on seats waiting for order

Shivi: So when you are confessing Avneet about your love?
Sid: Firstly she need to have feelings for me. I don't want to hurt her

Shivi forwarded her hand. Sid confusingly accepted

Shivi (shocking hand with sid): Congratulations! Finally you realised your feelings
Sid (confused): When I did that? (Shocked): Oh wait! I don't love her
Shivi: Now only you did and also go and lie from someone else that you don't love her
Sid (rolling his eyes): Duh!! Whatever
Shivi: So when?
Sid: Firstly she should have feelings for me
Shivi: Ofcourse! At the time of dinner she was blushing for Demon you know
Sid (confused): Who is demon? Is he her first love?
Shivi (shooking her head in disbelief): Arthhh

Order arrived. Both start sipping their shake

Shivi: Demon from TVD
Sid (clicking his tongue): Fuck! How can I forgot
Shivi: Hmm... hmm.... pyaar ke side effects.. jealousy you know. Anyways she was blushing at the time of dinner yaar
Sid: So? It's not proved that she loves me
Shivi: Arrthhh in college whenever you used to do flirt with bitches. Remember they used to blush. Blushing means love
Sid: That wasn't love please. That bitches uses 5kg of fake blush for show off
Shivi: Wow!! Finally you realised this as well
Sid: Remember how bawli used to say.. fuck off fake blushers! Oh wait!! Bawli, Faisu, Jai, reem, ashi, deep gonna kill me. I didn't told them about my marriage
Shivi (smirking): Don't worry. I informed them on your behalf
Sid (shocked): Kutti! They will murder me
Shivi: Not my problem

Both were fighting but a waiter came to them

Waiter: Sir, ma'am it's public place and you are really using abusive words for each other please be in limits or we need to inform police

Sidanshi looked at each other with shock. They quickly collected the parcel, after paying they left for home

To be continue.....

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