Chapter 43 // Just Him and I

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Hey! I finally posted!! Sorry it took so long. I spent more time editing this one, so hopefully it shows! Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate it so much ❤️
Hope you enjoy!

"Bye, Avery!" I called, stepping out the front door as I made my way down the driveway.

Movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention, turning to find Logan walking down his driveway as well, headed in my direction.

My steps slowed until they matched his own, walking side by side to the bench like usual - him waiting for Madison to pick him up, and I waiting for the bus which always arrived shortly after.

Over time I had become more used to Madison showing up everyday, never failing to flash her stellar glare and their shared kisses.

Although, the only time I saw them really make out was the first day she came. After that, their kisses seemed to be getting more and more sparse, something I was sure was just in my head.

He asked how I was as we sat down next to each other, a smile making its way onto my face.

"I'm alright, how about you?"

"Well, not going to lie, I'm a little stressed about tonight with the whole game and all, but I think mostly excited to be able to play and have this opportunity..."

I stared into his eyes as he talked, his words allowing me a clear picture of what he was thinking, like always. Never afraid to sound weak or uncool - as if he ever could.

"College scouts are going to be there, you know, so I'm really hoping this game will be in my favour," he replied, flashing me a nervous smile.

"You'll do great. This is something you're passionate about right? How could you go wrong with passion? Just focus on the game and not the scouts," I said, attempting to take away his worries.

He smiled back at me, but I still saw the small amount of tension in his features. Seeing his concern brought on my own, reminding me of the performance the band had to put on later tonight as well.

"You have nothing to worry about. You can do this," I assured, nerves starting to build in my gut.

We stared at each other for a moment before he leaned in, slow at first, and then all at once, turning to the side to embrace me.

My hands connected at the back of his neck, recovering from the suddenness of the hug as I sunk deeper into his arms, my unease dissipating for just a moment as he held me there.

My heart dropped as the sound of an approaching vehicle pulled us away from each other, turning towards the street.

I prepared myself to face a fuming Madison Haze, gripping the wheel of her expensive red convertible with a jealousy that could match no other. But instead, the dull orange-yellow of a school bus pulled into view, stopping in front of us with a squeak of the breaks.

I looked at Logan in silent question as he walked over to the open doors of the bus, following after him.

Madison was always great at holding grudges. Maybe their fight had something to do with her absence today?

He stopped just behind our usual seat, waiting for me to sit down first like he always used to, allowing me the window.

Unsurprisingly, the bus began moving before we were seated, falling back slightly into the bench, until he finally turned to me.

"I told Madison I don't want to be picked up anymore. But, there's only three days left, so it won't be for very long, anyway."

"Why don't you want to be picked up - if you don't mind me asking?" I said, cautious of his privacy, but curious nonetheless why he wouldn't.

He looked past my head, as if searching for the answer, before finally meeting my gaze once again.

"Pulling up to school in Madison's car attracts a lot of unwanted attention, personally, and I really don't mind the bus. Catching it means I get to spend time with you daily which I always enjoy, so why wouldn't I?" he answered sincerely.

I grinned back at him, hoping my gratitude showed through my features.

"Well, thanks for being here, then."

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