Chapter 13 // Awkward Tension

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I slowly ate my food all throughout lunch, avoiding conversation.

What was I supposed to say? Plus, I felt too awkward to even try to join in anyway, so sticking to my safety net, food, was looking like the best option at the moment.

I had just popped a piece of melon into my mouth when I was dragged into a conversation I wasn't paying any attention to.

"What about you, Harper? What do you think?" asked Madison.

I slowly lifted my gaze to meet hers, before looking at the others, just to see them all looking back at me.

Panic began to rise in me as I held up a finger so I could swallow the melon in my mouth before speaking.

"Um...sorry, I wasn't really listening," I admitted, offering a small smile.

"Why not? Do you not want to sit with us?" Madison replied, tipping her head to the side with her eyebrows furrowed.

Something told me this wasn't her being worried or sad over the fact that I didn't in fact want to sit with them, but instead mocking me.

"No, it's not that. I was just eating and kind of got lost in my own thoughts, I guess," I said, trying to sound calm and casual.

"Speaking of eating, are you not going to Madison?" Logan jumped in, saving me with a topic change.

"I don't eat lunch, actually. I don't need all of those calories added onto my body," she said proudly, before shifting her gaze to me as I took another bite of melon.

I paused for a moment at the sudden eye contact, before chewing and then swallowing it.

It was easy to feel a little out of place when the others seemed to barely be eating anything, some like Madison, eating nothing at all.

I honestly don't know how they do it or why anyone would want to in the first place, but it's not my body.

"Oh. Well, I don't think you should worry about that kind of thing. Food's a super important part of the day," Logan said cheerfully in an attempt to not make her feel too bad - although I'm sure her ego didn't bruise.

That's when he turned to me, smiling, giving me the courage to talk for the first time this lunch period - well, the first time when someone wasn't asking me a direct question.

"Yeah, I agree!" I said, smiling back.

In the corner of my eye, I caught Madison rolling her eyes, setting them on me after.

At first I tried to not let her stare bother me, but after a few seconds I looked her straight in the eyes, raising a brow in question.

In response, she just shifted her gaze slowly and boredly back to Logan, leaving me confused, but satisfied that she was the one that looked away.

What did I get myself into?

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