Chapter 33 // A Sudden Visit

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Okay, I kind of love this chapter! I spent more time editing this one than some others, so I think that also contributed to that. I hope you all have a good day and enjoy reading!

As my eyes focused on the figure more intently, I was able to confirm that it was in fact Logan, moving to open my window.

"What are you doing?!" I called out, a gust of chilling wind blowing against my skin as soon as I pushed it out.

"Could I come in?" Logan replied softly, just loud enough to hear.

"Uh...yeah, I guess - wait, how are you going to come in?!" I wondered out loud, confused about what he had in mind.

"Don't worry about that, just stand back a little."

I did as he said, taking a few steps back, still unsure about all of this - whatever this is.

I sucked in a sharp breath as soon as I saw his hands grip onto the bottom of the window sill, attempting to hoist himself up.

My feet moved in urgency before I had thought anything through, running in a panic towards the window and grabbing at his arms to help him inside.

His weight was heavy in my unworked arms, although I had a feeling that he still did most of the work to get himself onto solid ground.

Even when he stood at full height, stabilized on two feet and a good few feet from the window, I held onto his arms still.

As if he could slip from my grasp if I loosened my hold. As if he could fall back at any moment if I let go.

Logan suddenly looked down at my hands like he had been expecting them to already have left his forearms.

I felt my hands slowly loosen in self consciousness, until they were pulled back to my side completely, unable to keep them there with his gaze locked onto my grasp.

That's when the adrenaline wore off, the reality of what he just did finally sinking in.

"How did you get up here?!" I shouted in a hushed voice, Avery and my parents' sleeping figures in the back of my mind.

"A running start..." Logan replied, shrugging as he fixed his shirt.

I was baffled by his casual response. As if what he just did was normal, or even logical.

As that thought entered my mind, it came with the question if he had been drinking - which would be illegal technically. But he looked sober and didn't smell like the sour stench of alcohol.

I'm sure I would have smelled it by now considering how close we are.

That's when the short distance between us fully registered, my brain struggling to keep up with this all.

I was about to create some more space between us out of embarrassment, when I noticed his gaze suddenly drop to the floor.

"Listen, could we talk?" he said, cutting into the silence of the room, his whole demeanor eerily serious.

Something was off. The way he looked as he said those words, even the words in itself, were all large indicators of that.

"Yeah...sure," I finally responded, feeling slightly uneasy.

We've never talked like this before.

"I..." he started, his voice cracking slightly, as if he didn't know how to continue.

I felt the tension leave my body as I fully took in his behaviour, feeling my eyes soften the more I looked at him.

When I thought I saw a glimmer in his eyes I took a hesitant step forward, and then another one, until I was directly in front of him.

He kept his head down despite our proximity, looking lost in his own thoughts and hurt.

Reaching my arms out, I wrapped them around his neck, my face turning inward towards him as I gave him a hug, for once feeling completely sure of my actions.

He embraced me almost immediately, resting his head on my shoulder as his arms wrapped around my waist in a tight, yet comfortable hold.

I felt him sigh into my hair after a few seconds, relaxing further against me.

I remembered the glint I thought I saw in his eyes just before I hugged him.

From the position that we were in, I couldn't tell if he was crying. But it didn't really matter. He needed comfort either way, and I was more than willing to give it to him.

"It's okay," I whispered, not really thinking much about what I was saying, instead entirely focused on him.

I eventually slowly pulled away, taking his hand and leading him onto my bed to sit, patiently waiting for him to explain.

When he finally turned back to me, there were no visible tears on his face - whether they were gone now or never there in the first place.

"I just don't know how to do this anymore," he said, looking slightly uncomfortable.

My brows furrowed slightly in confusion as my heart sank, hesitant to even ask what he was talking about.

"Do what?"

"I don't know..." His eyes wandered to my bed cover before mumbling, "be with Madison."

I felt my eyes widen in shock.


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