Chapter 28 // Comfortable Silence

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Sorry for the shorter chapter this week. I hope you enjoy nonetheless ❤️

I began heading to my former spot, nearly halfway there, when I realized that it was occupied and in fact no longer my spot.

Looking around for any empty tables, I came to the conclusion that it was either sitting with one girl at a table I was familiar with, or sitting with a group of people at some random table.

So with that, I continued my way towards the last bit of familiarity I had left, psyching myself up for whatever may come.

The dark-haired girl didn't look up as I approached her, still engrossed in the book that lay open in front of her, reminding me a lot of myself.

"Hi," I started with, hesitantly.

She looked up at me after a few seconds, her head moving before her eyes as if quickly finishing a sentence in the book.

"Could I maybe sit with you?"

I hoped my smile and friendly tone would be enough to convince her, considering I didn't know where I would go if she said no.

Her unwavering stare was a bit unnerving, causing me to shuffle my feet in anticipation.

"Sure," she finally said, letting a smile slip as she went back to reading.

I was taken back by her response, eventually mumbling out a thanks, before sitting down next to her, taking out my lunch.

I had a book and earbuds with me, but I hadn't used them since I switched tables and wasn't sure if I should take them out now that I wasn't sitting alone like before.

Although the girl beside me seemed to have no problem with reading, despite there being people to talk to - which actually made me feel a little less intimidated - so I saw no reason not to at least take my book out.

Finally convincing myself, I reached for my copy of Pride and Prejudice, beginning to read as I ate.

"Nice choice," I heard her say suddenly, causing me to look up, confused.

I followed her gaze to the book open in front of me, realizing what she was talking about.

"Oh, thanks! It's actually my fourth time reading it," I commented shyly, sending her a small smile. "What are you reading?"

"The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, first time," she casually responded, still looking at me.

My first impression of her was that she was fairly independent, but relaxed and comfortable when it came to holding a conversation. I was quite fond of her actually, despite barely knowing her.

"Alex," she said all of a sudden, holding out her hand.

"Oh, uh, I'm Harper," I stuttered out, caught off guard by the sudden introduction.

We shook hands and almost immediately after we pulled apart, she went back to reading, leaving us in a comfortable silence.

The smile on my face grew slightly at how different she seemed compared to the other girls I've met, but yet more similar to me than all of them.

It was a nice change of pace in comparison to Madison's intensity, and I could actually see myself becoming friends with someone like Alex.

I turned my attention back to my reading, feeling content with how things were in this moment as my nerves relaxed.

Now, this was something I could handle.

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