"Then stay with who you have" she gives up.

"Fine" he scoffs. "So louis it is then" she smiles at me.

I just leave and try not to panic. I was so close to getting out of it. He bullied me and will be at my house tonight.

"Louis" harry jogs up behind me. "When are we going to start" his voice is calm.

"I don't know" my voice sounds harsher than I wanted

"Listen I want this done faster than you, I have better things to do than worry about a dumb ass project" he spits.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow" I spit back and walk faster. I'm relieved when I seen Niall standing where he waits for me every day.

I don't get lunch. I just sit at my table knees brought to my chest, thinking and wishing this day would end quicker. Instead I pull a brave move and call my mother and ask if she would call the school so I can sign myself out. She happily obliges and I tell Niall if he needs a ride after school to call me.

I go through the office and sign out and make my way to my car. my head is pounding and I am barley able to drive all the way home before breaking into tears.

I push the door open collapse on the couch holding my head.

"Louis" my mother rushes to my side in a panicked state.

"I'm fine, my head just hurts" I groan. She rushes away and is back in less than a minute.

"Here's some Advil and water" she says holding out her arms.

I take the pills and close my eyes. "Let me take a nap and I'll help with dinner" I stand to my feet and slowly climb the stairs, and enter my room. I throw my shoes off, and push my tight jeans down and keep my tee shirt on. I fling my body on the bed and let the pillows and blankets engulf me as sleeps sets in.

"Louis" a slight knock at the door is enough to pull me from my slumber.

"Yes" my voice catches and my mother pops her head in.

"I'm starting dinner" she announces and leaves.

My clock read 4:30PM. Dang. I slide on sweatpants and grab my phone. and text Niall.

'Did you get home?'

I  slide my phone into the loose pockets and go downstairs.

My mother and I work by each other silently. I set the table that hasn't been used in what feels like forever. I hear the oven beep and a knock on the door at the same time. My mother walks across the living room and to the front door. I set the hot pan on the oven and rush upstairs to get dressed.

I decide to slide back the jeans I had on today, and push my hair around until it looks decent. I flatten out my shirt with my hands and go back downstairs to greet our guest.

"This is my son, Louis" my mother smiles wrapping her arm around my waist.

"Nice to meet you" I smile and shake their hands.

Harry stands beside them scanning me. I really despise him being here. I don't know him enough to know he won't try anything here. But I manage to put aside the thoughts and sit next to my mother at the table.

As we eat their conversation takes a turn for the worst as they try and ask harry and i we are close.

"No" he almost laughs.

"You guys should get to know each other" my mom smiles and his mother agrees.

"Louis, since you're both done why don't you go up to the music room with Harry" my mothers words light a rage in me.

Different {Larry Stylinson}Where stories live. Discover now