Battle (An Idea)

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Tension was in the air, as the Dark Figure was in front of all three of them. Sora had his keyblade out, Roxas had his two out and ready, and Hayner had the bow and arrow what he had gotten from Steve.

The Dark Figure looked stressed. You couldn't see his actual face, but you can see an outline of something what was once a face. The darkness covered everything. "You.... You three... put too much stress on me.... I need Sora's powers... and I can't get it-"

None of them still knew why this thing wanted Sora's keyblade. But it pretty clear that the Dark Figure wasn't gonna give up. And what it did next, was the most strongest it ever proved itself to be. It hovered into the air, sticking their arms out. Sora and the rest tried to fight it, but they where all stuck in a trance. Then, they all got bashed into the ground.... three times.

"OWW!" They all screamed. The Dark Figure, sounded the most furious it had ever sounded before. "It ends now! I'll kill you all if I have to!"

The darkness on it grew even more intense. The darkness from the creature, started to surround the area, turning the landscape into darkness. Then..... beam of orange light, light blue and dark blue light, slammed down into the ground behind him, shattering the ground. The ground was like glass, and you could see blew it. The light went through, and the glass like floor, acted like a glass prism, and broke the colors into a rainbow.

"It... ends here-"

The dark figure floated into the air, close by the shining beams of light.

Sora got up, and Roxas help up Hayner. They where all weak, and could barely fight.

But they knew they had to. The fate of the Game Dimension, and the Real Dimension depended on them three. They couldn't let the Dark Figure win.

"No!" Sora yelled at it. "It ends here, for you!" He aimed his keyblade at the Dark Figure. Sora charged at it, by jumping up, and zooming trough the air, and tried to bash his keyblade into the creature. But it teleported out of the way, then behind Sora, then Grabbed Sora by his hoodie, yanking him and throwing him into Roxas. "AHH!" Sora yelled once he felt him getting yanked from the neck.

Roxas quickly picked himself up, and quickly helped Sora up after. "Sora!" He said. "Are you alright?"

Sora got up. "I'm fine" He said, as he coldly looked over at the dark figure, who was hovering in the air, next to the orange and blue beams of light.

"What do we do? We clearly can't take care of this thing!" Hayner yelled, shaking as he was holding the bow. They had to think of something quickly, and safely. There was no telling what this thing was up too. "We have to try more"

Sora put his keyblade down, near Roxas's own keyblades. Roxas was confused for a moment, but then he realized.

Sora and Roxas, aimed their keyblade up in the air, and all three of the keyblades combined, into a all-powerful keyblade. The keyblade rested in between both Roxas and Sora.

"Ready?!" Sora said.

Roxas nodded. "Now!"

They both went to attack the Dark Figure. Once they reached them, the dark figure vanished. Sora and Roxas stayed hovering in the air. Panting. Panting because they didn't know what this things next move was. It apparently behind Roxas. "Roxas!!!" Hayner yelled.

The Dark Figure rammed his fist into Roxas, sending him flying to the ground. It all felt like it happened in slow motion. Since Roxas wasn't near Sora, the Keyblade connection broke off, all all three of the keyblades slammed down onto the ground.

Hayner dropped his bow and ran over to where Roxas was falling, and tried to catch him, but Roxas fell on top of him.

Sora was still up there with the Dark Figure. He wanted to go see if Roxas was alright, but he knows the second he turns his back, this dark creature is gonna attack him. Sora knew he had to do something... but he didn't know what. All his life of fighting creatures, and Heartless, and Nobodies.... has he ever be around something with this much power. Not even Xemnas and Xehanort could compare. It was pretty clear that the Dark Figure has more power than the darkness... but it seems they let the darkness take them over so much, it's all they ever use. "Why... why are you doing this?" Sora said. "All this game worlds we've been to... You where there. Why are you harming my dimension and my boyfriend's dimension?!" Sora yelled. "You can hurt anyone you want, just leave my boyfriend out of it!"

Random One Shots based on my Stories (and other stuff)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن