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Dark-Blade was heading through the dimensional rift he had created. He knew it had to be here. He had to try to stop himself from hurting Alex. 'I'm the one who has to help him. Fuck the paradox.'

He knew it would be dangerous. 'I just have to be careful'

There wouldn't be a point to all of this, if he makes the entire space time continuem explode.

He entered onto a area of black, and saw his past self standing in the darkness. "Don't you even think about heading to the abandon house! You've... I've cost enough damage."

His other self, turned around, and looked at him dead in the eye. They both where standing some distance from each other. "Why are you here? Don't I know that this will hurt the space time continuem?"

Dark-Blade looked at himself angrily. "You have to stop doing this! There's a better way to save him!"

"Oh yeah? How? Where is that way?"

Dark-Blade didn't know what to say. There was no way.... yet. But he couldn't let himself hurt more innocent people in these dimensions. "I don't know why you've come here, but I got someone to look after. Got to make sure he has backup... me"

Dark-Blade of the past, turned around and walked away, and the future Dark-Blade looked at him, walking away.

'Someone to look after? Backup?'

Then he realized. 'NO! I can't let me get there!'

He didn't give a shit about the paradox anymore. He couldn't let what was about to happen, play out.

Dark-Blade's darkness grew around him more darkly, as the letter D that's on his chest, that signifies the the Darkness from the fictional Kingdom Hearts game, grew brighter and brighter.

He levitated off the ground, putting his hands behind him, and teleported him and his past self, into a dimension, that has abandon buildings.

"Huh?! W-what?!" His past self yelled, as he looked around confused. He soon caught on, on what happened. "Why you little! Don't see what you're doing?! What ever brainwashed you into doing this, it's messing up your head!"

Dark-Blade put his hands Infront of him. "I'm sorry to do this... but... Alex and Warren comes first."

The buildings in the back, started to get bigger. Then they glitched. Dark-Blade then started to shape shift the buildings, and one by one, the buildings stretched out, and slammed into Dark-Blade's past self.

But this was very difficult, because Dark-Blade's past self has the same powers as he does now. So he was one steap ahead. His past self, blocked the buildings, with a force field, then pushed the building back up into the air, making future Dark-Blade lose his balance. Then the past self, used a lazer that shot out of his arms, slamming Dark-Blade into the wall of a building.

Dark-Blade knew this was going to be hard. He has every power that's in comic books, and some other fictional properties. He has the power, to drain the powers from comics. He had drined the power from Kingdom Hearts, and accidentally got the Darkness instead of the keyblade power. Ever since then, he had to live with the darkness of Kingdom Hearts.

His past self walked up to him.

'I can't let my past self win... I need to help Alex-'

Dark-Blade flew up, suprising his past self.

He was going to target his weakness.

He slammed his fist in the ground, making his past self stumble. "You're trash! You think hurting other people will bring Jake back!"

Dark-Blade saw the letter on his past self flicker. It was happening. The weakness was starting. His past self angrily sneered at him.

"I have to! It's everyone's fault!"

"No it's not! You're stupid for thinking that! It was Walter's fault. He's the reason this happened in the first place, and he's gone now!"

The letter flickered more and more. "What about with Randy?! I couldn't even save him! Everyone I love, always have to be gone!"

"Hurting other dimensions isn't the way to save any of them! Come on! Use your head!"

The letter D on his past self, flickered to much, until it turned off, and the Darkness vanished.

Dark-Blade stared at his past self, in shock. Never once has the darkness on him left. Only when Sora would hit him with the keyblade, would it bounce a little.

But his past self was furious. "I... can't waste my time with you-" his past self vanished. But Dark-Blade knew he didn't go to Warren.

Dark-Blade signed. "Now it's up to me to help Alex deal with Nerraw."

Books: The Abandoned House
Kingdom Hearts Dimensions Series

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