Her gaze fell upon her boyfriend, his own fixed on the road ahead. Wearing a fitting black shirt and jeans, he looked sexy as usual. His sunglasses shielded his eyes but his jaw was working, giving him away. He was quiet. He'd been quiet lately, ever since he spoke to his father the day before. He hadn't revealed details but it was no coincidence that his withdrawal began right after he'd hung up the phone. "You okay, baby?" she asked him, lightly massaging the nape of his neck. "You've been quiet."

His dad had called to confirm that he and Sasha were still making the drive up to Pensacola. His mom, however, had hijacked the call to berate him for making his relationship with Sasha public when he hadn't even introduced her to his parents. It was a bit of a mess but he didn't want to burden Sasha with all of that. It was bad enough that she was already skeptical about being here. He wasn't sure what mood his mother was going to be in today but he hoped it was positive for Sasha's sake. "I'm good, nani. You?" He could sense she was nervous too.

"I feel I should have brought something else as a gift," she lamented, looking over her shoulder where the bottle of wine and the box of chocolates lay in the back seat.

"I told you, it's fine," Joe insisted. "My dad loves those chocolates. Besides, they wouldn't have minded if you didn't bring anything."

"What if they don't like me? They'll just see me as the cradle robber that's been corrupting their baby," said Sasha.

"No they won't. Besides, I'm the one that's been doing the corrupting, don't you think?" he answered, shooting a sly glance in her direction.

A wicked smile formed on her face. "You sure about that, Reigns?"

Joe felt her hand on his thigh and cast his eyes down to see it inching dangerously towards his crotch. "You wouldn't. Not when I'm driving," he growled.

Laughing, she pulled her hand away, instead resting it on top of his own on the steering wheel. "Of course not. Don't want you crashing this car with me in it. I'm precious cargo."

"Tease. I have no problem pulling this car over and taking you how I want," Joe grumbled, turning his right hand over so that her hand fell into his palm. He squeezed it gently, the softness of her slim fingers imbedded in his brain. "My family will adore you, Sash. There's nothing to worry about," he told her.

"You think so?" Sasha asked hopefully.

"I know so." He cast a quick glance at her and kissed the back of her hand. "You look beautiful, baby girl."

Smiling at his compliment, she held onto his hand for the rest of the journey. She could only hope he was right about his family.

If she thought Joe's home in Tampa was enormous it was nothing compared to his parents' residence. The house was preceded by a sprawling, manicured front lawn peppered with small palm trees. As they neared the front door, Sasha tightened her hold on Joe's hand and willed her stomach to stop flipping. It was just his parents and his siblings around but it didn't stop the nerves from flowing.

The door was opened by an imposing-looking man who looked just like Joe, only several pounds heavier. The moment he laid eyes on Joe he grinned widely. "Ayyy, look who's here!"

Joe stepped forwards and greeted him with a big man-hug. "What's up bro? It's been a while." Pulling away, he guided Sasha in front of him. "Matt, this is Sasha. Sasha, this is my big brother Matt."

Sasha started to extend her hand, and was shocked when the big man pulled her in for a hug. "So this is the lady my little bro is so crazy about," Matt remarked, causing Sasha to smile bashfully.

"Come on, man," Joe couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face.

"Am I lying? She's all you ever talk about on the phone, man," Matt retorted. "Come on in. Mom, dad and the girls are inside." Together they walked in, with the brothers talking about Matt's wife and children. Matt noted with a small smile how Joe held Sasha close to him even as they entered the house.

Into The Deep End - A Roman Reigns StoryWhere stories live. Discover now