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Start from the beginning

It was the typical women's uniform, a purple bodysuit with the Fatui emblem emblazoned on the right thigh, a long black coat lined with fur, tights, and a pair of tall black boots with purple embellishments. You dressed quickly, fumbling with the various zippers and buttons, and you almost left the locker room before another recruit caught your arm.

"Mask," she said, "you forgot your mask."

You paused, smiling sheepishly.

"Right," you said, "my bad."

At the bottom of the locker was the mask. It was a simple thing, silvery grey with a red line going through the right eye. The material was sturdy, the fabric lining smooth and cool beneath your gloved fingertips. A cord was connected to either side of the mask, used to fasten the object to your face.

Concealing who you were. Marking you as one of them. You swallowed your questionable apprehension and tied the mask on, hiding the cord beneath your hair. The woman in the mirror was still you, just masked. You looked crisp and polished. Like you were a part of something.

You felt the warmth your vision permanently radiated against your right hip, hidden beneath your coat. The feel of it, though still a new one, was comforting. It was too much of a talking point, so you preferred to keep it hidden. Keep your head down and do your job. That way you could get time off to go home and see your family.

The black mesh that covered the eye holes of your mask darkened your vision somewhat, but you could still see well enough. You looked around the locker room, but found that you were the last one in there. You made a squeak of surprise and rushed off towards the mess hall.

Breakfast passed in a blur, and because you were a little late getting there, you were one of the last ones eating. You scarfed down your food before rushing off to the training grounds, just as the first snowflakes began to fall. There was already a blanket of snow on the ground, crunching beneath the thick soles of your boots as you hustled through the courtyard, almost shouting in frustration when you heard voices coming from the training fields. You could see a few other recruits scurrying up to the gathered group, but you were the farthest behind.

Great, you thought, I'm late on my first day.

You didn't know much about the Harbingers personally, but you knew they were absolutely no joke. Some were known to verbally abuse, beat and even kill recruits who disobeyed or disrespected them. The thought alone filled you with fear even icier than the winter air. You didn't know if you could handle that, and you didn't want to die. If you did, though, you'd go down fighting. You felt your vision flare at your hip, its heat filling you with comfort.

You approached the group last, and the only spot was your own established one... on the end of the first row. You were screwed. There was no way you'd be able to squeeze in unnoticed, but you couldn't just turn tail and run. So you took a deep breath, focusing on the heat of your vision as you took your place, standing ramrod straight at attention.

There were a handful of Skirmishers at the front of the crowd, as well as a few high ranking Fatui officials, and one more person.

He was tall, dressed in a long, heavy white overcoat lined with furs. The coat was worn open despite the cold, and beneath that was a high collared grey shirt done up with silver clasps, as well as a red scarf, worn undone so it hung loose down his shoulders. Trousers that matched the shirt were on his legs, sturdy black boots that reached his knees on his feet. Around his waist were a pair of black belts. Attached to one was a Hydro Vision. There was a holster on his thigh with a small dagger attached. Finally, he wore a pair of black gloves on his hands.

His face... He was one of the most handsome men you'd ever seen in your life. He was young, maybe a year or so older than you at most. His features were sort of impish, like a smile was always on the verge of showing on his lips. He had pretty, round-almond blue eyes, their color a little dull. His hair was cropped short, worn messy around his face, coppery ginger in color. His nose was straight, the curve elegant and noble. A single earring hung from his left ear, beaded with gold and ending in a red gemstone. Perched on the left side of his head was an intricate red mask, different than other Fatui masks you'd seen before. His nose and ears were tinged pink from the cold, but he didn't seem to notice.

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