Night Attack on the Heavens

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Danji walked up to a crying Yu-yu and patted his head, causing the bluenette to look at him. 

'You did well, hanging in there,' Danji smiled.

'That's something I can agree on with big guy here,' Riri smiled. She and Danji looked at each other and nodded. The magenta-haired man got up. 'Just what have you done?'

'I've just steeled my resolve, that's all,' Tohya spoke.

Danji sighed. 'I already knew you wouldn't listen if I slug you. And Riri here confirmed that for me.'

Riri flipped her hair mockingly. Danji continued. 'That's why I'll use this'-- he brought out his vanguard deck-- 'to beat you up.'

Tohya smirked. 'Now you're talking.'

'I swear to god Danji.' Everyone looked at Riri who had a deadly aura around her. 'You lose, and I'll kill you and bring your corpse to life and kill it again for confirmation.'

Danji stiffened and saluted. 'Y-yes ma'am!'

'Stop this children's act and just come at me,' Tohya spoke in annoyance. Riri looked at him and raised a brow. 

'I don't remember being committed to taking orders from you,' she taunted. 

Masanori stifled a laugh, Shinobu was slightly taken aback and Tohya growled under his breath. Riri smirked and looked at Danji. It was clear both had become close.

'Go get him, big guy.'

Danji gave her a thumbs up. And right then, Tohya felt a pang in his chest.


'Danji! Danji! Danji! Danji! Danji!'

Riri covered her ears to protect them from the loud chanting but didn't have to do that for long as someone pulled her. Out of reflexes, Riri grabbed their hand and flipped the person. She immediately pulled Zakusa up though. 'Honestly, did you have to pull me like that?'

'Tomari. However, I have to admit that I never expected you to be this strong,' Tohya brushed himself off as the rest of Team Blackout joined them, so did Yu-yu.

'Spill the beans woman, what's your and Danji's relationship?' Tomari questioned.

'Wha-' Riri blinked.

'It's clear you two know something we don't, and we've known Danji longer,' Megumi huffed. Riri sighed.

'Danji didn't tell me. I was involved in it before I even met Tohya,' Riri sighed.

'You wha-'

'Listen,' Riri looked at them dead in the eye causing Yu-yu to flinch. 'I don't want to talk about it. Somethings are best kept a secret.'

With that, her attention was refocused on the battle. Megumi clenched her fist and looked away. Yu-yu stared at his sister in worry but was shocked when he saw a void of rainbow in her eyes.


Riri opened her eyes and gasped. 'W-wha-'

In front of her stood Diabolos, "Violence" Bruce, and Apex Ruler, Bastion inside a circle of blue fire.

Riri took a step back, 'How on earth.'

'My vanguard.'

Riri turned and choked out a gasp. 'A-Azura...'

The said unit smiled slightly and then looked straight ahead. Riri followed the gesture and gasped. How fast does time fly here?!

Bruce stomped his foot on the ground causing it to shake and Riri stumbled slightly. The blue flame disappeared and fell to the ground in crumbles of pieces.

Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now