Overnight Statue

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Riri didn't know what to say when Megumi and Zakusa fought. She found Zakusa a bit curious about how he spoke and wondered how he became like that. Suddenly, she spotted a helicopter.

"Hey guys, how long has that helicopter been circling above us?" she asked and everyone looked at it.

"Come to think of it, it has been a while since it's been circling us," Yu-yu noted. The helicopter started flying to the ground.

"It's flying into the park?" Megumi questioned. Yu-yu turned around and gasped.

"Zakusa! Your cards!" Zakusa and Riri turned and both of them ran to the cards, but Riri stopped mid-way when she heard her phone beep. Taking it out, she sweatdropped.

It was from Masanori showing a peace sign while sitting in the helicopter. Of course, she thought. Who else would try and make a dramatic entrance?

"My Orfist!" Riri pocketed her phone and looked up just in time to see Zakusa's Orfist fly away.

"Zakusa..." she didn't have time to ponder over it when she heard her name called.

"Hey, Riri!" She looked up and shot an unimpressed look (-_-) when she saw Masanori.

"Masanori?" Everyone minus her and Zakusa chorused.


"Right, bro's out working," Megumi explained.

"Oh, I see," Masanori said. Riri felt a vein pop by how he was sitting like a king. He's even cockier than Tohya at times. She stopped when she had the thought. Tohya...

"I went through a lot of trouble to see him, though." Riri sweatdropped, Dramatism.

Suddenly Zakusa came into the scene, and Riri had to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Zakusa was acting like a delinquent.  He seemed to be talking in a way that sounded more like growling, but Riri, having had so many experiences like this, had no problem translating while Tomari translated it to Masanori.

"What's he saying?" Yu-yu muttered.

"'Shall I toss you into those copter propellers and turn ya into a hamburger, jerk?' he's saying," Riri translated. 

Tomari looked at her in shock, "You know it too?"

Riri nodded before Masanori spoke, "Oh my, what's the matter Zakusa? Aren't you acting a bit out of character?"

Riri sweatdropped, You're the reason he's acting this way.

Zakusa growled again as Riri translated, "'The heck?! When'd ya learn my name?!' he's saying."

Yu-yu and Megumi were in shock before they spoke, "Zakusa is..."


Tomari came in between them, "You see, when Zakusa loses temper, his age-old blood gets roused."

"Age-old blood?" Riri questioned.

"I shall explain!"

"Once... Zakusa was a legendary punk feared throughout the land of Kaga!"

"What? R-really?" Yu-yu asked.

"It was... yes, two years ago." 

"That's pretty recent," Riri and Megumi chorused.

"Back then, Zakusa ran wild... as 'the Mad Dog of Kaga," a legendary punk, feared by all. Regularly causing trouble with other area punks, he became a constant nuisance for the police."

"Is that how you two became acquainted Tomari?" Yu-yu asked. Tomari nodded and continued explaining as Riri zoned out. The first thing that came to her mind was Tohya. She grew a bit flustered.

Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now