That's CardFight Pro-Wrestling!!

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"Say what now?" Ririchiyo asked, blinking. 

Yu-yu nodded, "Mhm. Danji will be participating in a pro-wrestling competition. "So is it okay if I go help him with his training?"

The female bluenette placed one hand on her temple and another on her hip. "Yeah, sure. Go on ahead. Just remember to come back early tonight. I have to go to Lance's house to plan for upcoming events today." 

Yu-yu hugged the girl, taking her aback.

"Thanks Riri! You're the best elder sister anyone can ever have!"

Riri smiled as her brother let go of her and ran out of the house. She sighed.

He's changed so much in such a short time. But what the hell is this-

She was brought out of her thoughts by her phone's ringtone, she pulled it out and her eyes widened before she burst into a fit of laughter, causing the other females in the house to look at her in bewilderment.


Riri was in the crowd and saw Yu-yu up in the front with the guy who came by their place once or twice but never got introduced to her and the girl who was waiting for him outside of school the other day. She smirked.

This is gonna be hilarious.

Suddenly the reporters looked at the road where a limo parked itself. And out came...

"Hiroshi Tanahashi!?" Danji and Megumi yelled.

"Who's he?" Yu-yu asked. Riri sweatdropped in the crowd.

Better start telling him more Ri. She froze slightly at the thought, which had echoed in her mind. A flash of a boy and a young Riri laughing appeared.

Megumi started protesting. Soon after, both sides had decided on cardfight pro wrestling.


The match had ended. Ririchiyo was making her way to the field when Hiroshi came up and complimented his fight. Before things went haywire, Riri stepped in.

"Yo Hiroshi!" All the attention was brought at her.

"Riri!?" Yu-yu yelled.

"Ririchiyo! Long time no see!" Hiroshi laughed.

Riri gave the man a close-eyed smile. "That's true." She looked at Yu-yu and his friends.

"Hey, Yu-yu."

But the boy had something else to say. "YOU KNOW HIROSHI TANAHASHI!?"

Riri flinched nervously and chuckled. "He was the one who gave me a free ticket to the match actually." 

Yu-yu gave her a confused face. "I attended many tournaments of many kinds and met Hiroshi in one of them. Since then, we've stayed in contact with each other." She then looked at Danji.

"Your name is Danji right?" The magenta-haired man nodded. "I'm really impressed with the amount of determination you harbor. You honestly had me thinking that Hiroshi would lose." She giggled at Hiroshi's fake hurt face. 

Megumi looked at her, "You're... Yu-yu's sister."

Riri nodded. "I see you already know about me. My name is Ririchiyo Kondo, but you can call me Riri." They all nodded and started talking.

"By the way," everyone looked at Riri. "Who had the bright idea of making Yu-yu crossdress?"

Yu-yu waved his hands frantically, "Ah! Riri! Don't worry! It was my idea!"

Riri frowned. "Right..."

Then Tomari and Zakusa entered. The latter then informed that all this was a fake and was actually an anniversary gift for Tomari. While everyone minus Tomari and Zakusa was dumbfounded, Ririchiyo laughed.

"Please don't tell me you thought that there was actually a Pro-Wrestling and Cardfight Pro-Wrestling association!" she exclaimed, laughing.

"You knew?" Hiroshi and Yu-yu asked.

"Of course I did. There's no such thing as those wrestling associations. You would know if you would research."

Both Danji and Tomari decided to give Zakusa a nice present.


Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now