Runny Porridge

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Riri was sitting with a pained look in her eyes though she tried to keep a straight face. Next thing you know, they hear people yelling.

"Riri! Danji! Yu-yu fainted!"

Riri immediately got up, not letting the pain that seared through her leg. She ran to them and saw Danji holding him, trying to wake the bluenette up. Next thing you know, Danji and Tomari were fighting on who would take care of the bluenette.

A shadow covered both Megumi and Riri's eyes as they yelled. "FIRST TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR!"

Both of them blinked. "Oh yeah."

As they walked, Riri winced in pain, which Megumi noticed.

"Are you okay Riri?"

The said girl gave her a pained smile. "Of course I a-Ow!" She flinched in pain.

"Alright, that's it. Sit on that bench," Megumi ordered. Rolling her eyes, the bluenette obliged.


"You both are really twins," Megumi sighed.

"Well... he is my other half," Riri smiled. They were at the bluenette's place. Danji insisted on taking Yu-yu to his home since Riri couldn't take care of him since she has a sprain.

"How did you sprain your leg anyway?" Megumi asked.

"Well... I was sleepwalking down the stairs and fell," Riri said.

Megumi sweatdropped, "Geez."

The bluenette stood up. "Riri?"

"Sprain or not, Yu-yu's my brother and it's my responsibility to look after him. That's why we're going to Danji's house!"


"Riri! You shouldn't have come!" Yu-yu scolded.

"We said the same thing," the others chorused.

"Stop being such worrywarts. This ain't the first time I sprained my leg ya know," Riri rolled her eyes. She then held out a box. Yu-yu raised a brow, took it, opened it, and gasped. The box had many Dragon Empire units in it.

"Woah... how did you get these many?"

"Bought them."

They all talked until it was time to go.


Riri looked at the ceiling of her room. Megumi had gone to her home and kept everything Riri would need in the bluenettes room.

Sighing, she turned to face her nightstand, where her deck was kept.

Tohya... Why?


At Tohya's home, the said blonde was grinning and looking at his cards as Masanori observed him. They sat in complete silence.

"Hey Masanori."


"Do you think Riri is still mad with me?"

Tohya now had Masanori's full attention. "Well... let's see. She overheard you when you said you were going to go back to the life you were meant to lead, you said the only person you acknowledged was Danji, you insulted her brother and confirmed her suspicions of you quitting Vanguard."

Tohya groaned, "I messed up!"

"Why do you care about her so much?" Masanori raised a brow, seemingly amused at Tohya's wanting to not upset Riri.

The said blonde looked at touched his necklace.

"Well... I guess it's because she get's me and doesn't fawn over me unlike other girls."

Masanori grinned, "Does that mean you like her?"

Tohya went crimson, "Why on earth would you think that?"

"Well... for one, you care about what she thinks of you," Tohya went beet red. "Also you worry about her a-"


"Who is it?" Tohya asked as Masanori turned on his phone.

"Riri. I was talking to her while you tuned your deck. Oh god..."

"What's wrong?"

"Riri sprained her leg."



The sun had risen and so had Riri. Once she got ready, she went downstairs and opened the door to see Tomari and Zakusa.

"Tomari? Zakusa? What are you guys doing here?"

"We were about to go to Danji's place to check on Yu-yu, but decided to check on you first," Zakusa explained.

"Welp, I'm all good as you can see. How 'bout we go to see Danji and Yu-yu together?" Riri asked.

"Sure!" Tomari smiled.


The trio entered Danji's home and the moment she saw Yu-yu, Riri knew he was all better. When the former sick patient said he wanted to eat ramen, Riri felt proud. He's certainly my brother.


Riri smiled at her brother as he challenged Yu-yu. Suddenly, a waitress came and placed many dishes in front of them.

"I didn't order all this.."

"We did!" Riri and Danji grinned. 

"Eat up, cause-"

"It's to celebrate your recovery!" Riri cheered.

"And yours," Danji pointed his spoon at the bluenette.

"How about a contest then?"

"Winner becomes the losers master for the whole day!" Danji challenged.

"Challenge accepted!"

The other's sweatdropped. 

These two are such kids.

Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now