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"Give it back!"

Riri looked to her right and saw a kid around 10 surrounded by three boys who were around the blunette's age. The guy in the middle was holding a card.

"What happens if we don't? Besides, it's not like you're going to become any good using it," he sneered and raised his hand to hit the kid. He threw a punch at the kid which, before it could hit his face, was blocked by a hand. The kid opened his eyes as the three gang boys looked to their right and saw Riri with a smirk on her face.

"It's not good to pick on kids ya know," she smirked.

"Back off girly," one of the guys henchmen said.

"Oh I will, once you give the kid his card back that is," she said, her eyes glinting dangerously. She let go of the boys hand and brought out her deck.

"But miss-"

"Stand back kiddo, this won't take long," she smiled at him.

The guy in the middle glared at her, "Why you-"

Next thing you know, both were on either sides of a cardfight table.

"Now stand up, (Riri-the) Vanguard!"



The said boy turned and saw Megumi and Danji.

"Megumi, Danji," he greeted.

"Where's Riri?" Danji asked.

Yu-yu shrugged, "She said she was going to the amusement park and left before I did."

"I see."

"Twin Drive!"

The group turned and saw Riri fighting the boy from before. The boy was swearing heavily while Riri was smirking as she revealed the first check.

"No trigger. Second check- Critical. All effects to the Vanguard!"

The boy gulped, "D-damage check..." (No triggers)

"Well then, don't mind if I take this back," Riri smiled sweetly and took the card.

"Y-you'll pay for this!" The boy yelled as he ran off with his two henchmen. Riri looked at the kid, who was in awe, and bent to his level.

"Here ya go," she smiled.

"Thank you miss Riri!"

The said girl tilted her head in confusion, "How do you know my name?"

The boy smiled gleefully, "Everyone does! You always save kids like me from bullies! And you make everyone happy too! And you're really strong!"

Riri smiled sheepishly, "I dunno.... anyway, you use Keter Sanctuary right?"

The boy nodded.


The boy looked at the card and then at Riri with a smile she knows all too well, "Because its cool!"

Riri smiled and ruffled the kids hair, "Then become stronger with all those soldiers and one day, we both will have a cardfight. Kay?" 

The boy nodded and ran off. As he did, Riri stood up, smiling at the kids running figure.


The said girl turned and saw her brother along with Megumi and Danji.


"What was all that about?" Yu-yu asked.

"A kid was getting bullied so I stepped in, had a cardfight battle, won and they all left," she said shrugging. 

Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now