Our Seven-Day Crusade

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Riri looked up from her book when the door opened and saw Yu-yu with the usual face that he had before cardfighting.

"Yu-yu?...." The girl looked at her brother in worry. Ever since Danji had said that he was quitting cardfight, he had been like this. Riri sighed.


School was over and the twins were walking on the campus of the school. Riri looked up and saw a certain somebody.

"Hey Yu, you should go and talk to your friend. I'll see you at home." With that, the girl ran off, leaving Yu-yu alone with the girl.

As she walked, she heard her name being called.

"Miss Kondo!"

The blunette turned and saw a boy with black hair running up to her.

"What's up Lance?" The black-haired boy held a thick file in front of her. Riri paled but regained her composure almost immediately.

"Give me all of them."


"No buts."


The bluenette was in her room, filling some forms when she heard laughter. One time-Ignored, Second Time- Slightly Angry, Third Time-

"ARE YOU LOT EATING DINNER OR WHAT!?" Riri yelled with an angry aura around her. All the females backed away and Yu-yu looked at his twin with a worried and amused face. Danji was looking between the family sitting at the dining table and the long-haired girl.

"S-sorry Riri!"

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it! I still have 60 forms remaining to be filled and I can't to that unless I have some peace!" The three females nodded.

The angry aura was demolished instantly and Riri looked at Yu-yu. 

"Yu-yu, stop worrying so much. And good evening to you Mr. Big guy." With that, Riri went back into her room.

Soon after, she heard voices. She looked down her window and saw Yu-yu and Danji talking. She smiled.

Even though he's worried, I'm glad he's finally gaining self esteem.


"I'm going!" Yu-yu announced. Akiko was about to stop him so that she could perform her makeup experiment on him but was stopped by someone holding her forearm.

"Let him be, Aki," Riri said. She let go of her sister and looked at Yu-yu with a smile.

"I'm going to the park, kay?" She said, taking her guitar and phone, along with her deck case.

"And mom, remember to take breaks. Bye!" With that, she left.


Riri was in the park, playing her guitar. She looked at her phone.

"Shoot! This is when Yu-yu comes home! Better-"

"RIRI!" The said girl looked up from her phone and saw her brother running up to her.

"Yu-yu?" The girl muttered.

"What are you doing here?" Her brother questioned.

"I was getting bored so I decided to come here."

"Okay..." Yu-yu's eyes widened.

"Now let's go home, I wanna hear everything!"


"Okay, how many misunderstandings have happened in your friend circle? It's only been like, less than a month and there's so much drama. Literally!" Riri laughed as Yu-yu just chuckled.

"You seem to know how to put the worst situation into the funniest situation," Yu-yu remarked.

"It's a trait that I was born with!" Riri boasted and opened the door of the house. The moment she did, the world came to a stop.

Both the sisters had made a mess of the home with clothes and make up supplies everywhere. Thankfully, it had only been limited to the living room. Their mother wasn't in sight, meaning she had taken Riri's word and was resting.

Akiko and Yukiko gulped as an angry aura surrounded the dual haired blunette while Yu-yu was torn in between laughing at the condition of the two sisters and worried about his twins mental health.



Cardight Vanguard OverDress (OC Included) ---BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now