"Yeah, thanks a whole lot, Lo. You are quite the helping hand." She laughs boisterously throwing her head back, her blonde hair bouncing as balls of cheerios fall out of its bowl. Rolling my eyes, my attention back to my racks of clothes and not my not so helping friend. Note the sarcasm.

Groaning exasperatedly looking at the clock on my phone drawing closer to expected time. I think I'm going to be sick. "Which do you think I should wear? Classy? Or, sassy? And you better say something worth it or I'll just have to pass the blame to you when Michael calls." Pointing at her on FaceTime.

She gives an innocent chuckle. "I will go for sassy. You know dare to kill."

"Sassy? Right? Okay bye." Quickly, rushing to the side of my most decent sassy looking wear I own. My eyes go straight for the silver satin knee length bodice with a thigh high slit by the side. It has a daring open back with a crisscross strap holding the front of the dress in place. Pairing it with matching heel, my hair in a high chignon letting two braids fall over my face giving me a baby girl classy look finishing the look with a matte maroon lipstick.

Lo smiles watching me twirl for her squealing like a school girl have me blushing. She muse. "Have fun babes and get laid. Jeez! If your pussy is a person it will be an old lady crying for help." Scoffing at the end blowing her hair off her face for dramatic effect.

Picking my clutch by the side of the vanity table. "Eww, Lo! And fuck you for saying that." She flips the bird at me sucking her middle finger sensually flipping the bird at me again. Rolling my eyes. "Don't say that about my coochie. It's young and fresh." Powdering my face one last time giving myself a once over. Perfect.

"Then get it some dick, bitch." She dares hanging up the face time before I can give her a large chunk of my mind.

Stunned. "Yeah, I'm about done with her." Walking out of my apartment and into my car all the way to Milton, Georgia.



I call once I parked at the corner sighting him from afar. He turns towards my voice blinking upon seeing me shaking his head as if snapping out of a daze walking to me. He pauses taking his time to roam his eyes all over my body meanwhile I took my time just as he did to admire the blonde man.

He has on a red velvet tux, black satin pants matching his black satin shirt; surprisingly, no tie. His usually sleek hair is brush out falling past his eyes making him even more handsome. He is definitely the one for me and my heart better start accepting that terms.

Over the shock of my dress. He applauds. "Wow! Trinity! Just wow! You look so amazing." Finally, his eyes meet mine after what felt like a zillion seconds of his eyes on me.

Kissing his both chin. "Glad you love it." Doing a dramatic twirl for him. "I can say the same for you, Michael. Velvet looks great on you." He chuckles.

"Come on, the party is about kicking off and everyone is here already." Hooking my hand in his, his lips connects to my cheeks leading me into his mansion on the Cliffside.

"Lead the way." I say wrapping my hands tighter around his. An invincible but obvious ominous feeling settles at the pit of my stomach making me want to throw up; preferably run into my car and drive back home. My anxiety increasing as we neared the big doors not knowing what or whom to expect at such high class parties. I just hope I don't mess it up for him watching the door open.

And he was right. Everywhere is packed and full of people dancing or talking animatedly failing to keep note of where he leads us to or whom, greeting person after person till I lost count with every smile that grace my face.

So this is what the rich snobby folks do in such parties. Talk about more business and brag about their wives or partners trips and successes as the case may be. "And who might this beautiful lady be?" A beautiful blonde female asks excitedly bulldozing towards Michael and myself just before planting a kiss on his chin holding the arm of another man whom she literally drags to match her bubbly pace.

"Mum...Dad. This is Trinity. My date for tonight." Wrapping his hand on my waist grazing my exposed back slightly. Did he just say mum and dad? Glaring at Michael which he laughs.

"Hello sir, ma'am." In curtsey.

"And here I thought my son is gay which is a good thing but this... This is the best thing any mother wish to hear on her son's thirtieth birthday party." Did this... Glaring at this man the second time this night wittily, criticism written all over my face. Birthday party? Really Michael?

Humorlessly. "You didn't tell me it's your birthday. I could have got you something. Anything." Now feeling bad knowing he got me something for my birthday and I have nothing to offer. His parents chuckle watching the drama.

Pulling me closer kissing my temple and then my lips dissipating the building anger. "Being here with me is the best gift ever." His mum awed hugging her husband closer who couldn't look any prouder at his son's achievement. Me.

Mr. Monroe picks a glass from a serving waiter, saying. "Well kids, it's going to be a long night. I guess it's time to cut the cake and have the party begin." Ushering us further into the party meanwhile I give Michael my famous 'I'm mad at you' glare to which he grins hugging me closer.

In jolliness with the party, we celebrate the birthday boy cutting his cake by his side and taking pictures together. I was now getting the hang of it, didn't know why I was anxious in the first place. He introduced me to his business partners' from his father's company and his own company which he will merge in further future when he takes over but for now he has enough responsibility on his broad shoulders.

I am so proud of him. He is beyond doubt the one.

Soon, we found ourselves dancing to the rhythm of the band. Our eyes on each other smiling and laughing at silly jokes we make. He could just be the one if I give him the chance. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Miss Trinity." Blushing hard. Praying that my dark skin doesn't give me away.

"And you look handsome, Mr. birthday boy and don't forget I'm still mad at you." He twirls me and brings me back to him giving a handsome smirk, I blush biting my lower lip. This feels so good to be true.

"Need a drink." He asks signalling for the server.

"I'm so thirsty." I smile reaching for the champagne glass tray. Just then someone bumps the waiter who spills some of the cool liquid on me; thank goodness Michael's reflexes caught the glass before it crashed and made a scene in the party. I knew it. I am going to make a mess at his party.

My dress quickly goes damp watching the horrified server looking at Michael and myself apologetically. "Oh my God! I'm so sorr..." Raising my head to look out for the offender.

My gaze lock on a distinctive grey, frozen at the spot looking at the grey pools I will never ever forget in my life. He watches me unblinking causing the slight purse of my lips as the unsettling sensitivity of goosebumps crawls faster on my skin. Suddenly, my eyes felt heavy to keep open wavering in fright. I had to shut my eyes and reopen back to detect another familiar pair by his side wearing a crooked grin.


They two stood alongside each other watching me dauntless while I quake like a heavy seizure possessed my bones. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. My heart beats like I ran a marathon and the adrenaline overwhelming to control.

Twin terrors. Somewhere, I hear Ana's voice, Andrei's twin sister laugh in my head of what she calls them.

The both wore similar looking suits with matching hairdo. Where Vadim's is black, Andrei is fiery red, glowing in the night. They stood far off from my position yet it felt they stood in front of me. Eyes darting between both brothers. It took everything in me not to scream my fears, faint and make a scene at Michael's party as it proved difficult to take my gaze off their haunting faces. Then Andrei's lips perk up devilishly stopping my heart for a second.

He mouths. "Be afraid. Be very afraid, Trinity." I died and died again.

Abbie cares

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