"Now, we aren't getting cold feet are we?" he whispered before shoving his cock down her throat. Martha felt him bump against the back of his throat and she fought her gagging reflex. She was no virgin but no one had ever forcefully shoved their dick down her throat either. Her tongue dragged against the underside of his cock as he plunged it in and out of her mouth. When he finally released her Martha fell against the bed panting heavily.

"Was it too much for you?" he asked, grinning mannishly at her. If he wanted to play games, there were a few things that she could teach him. She crawled towards him and stop just a breath away from his shaft. She leaned forward her breath fanning across it before diving underneath and taking one of his sacs into her mouth.

Charles' knees buckled briefly and he was leaking already. The woman was a menace. He could've crushed her had he not caught himself. Her mouth set him aflame. If she kept up at this pace, he wasn't going to last and he had no interest in detonating at this moment. Charles didn't dare breathe as she stood up with her own wicked smile. "I was afraid that you weren't going to last much longer, oh," she moaned, closing her eyes as he grabbed her ass and slammed it against the bulge jutting out from between his legs.

"I see punishment in the near future," he growled. The woman was destroying his senses one by one. He hadn't even taken his shoes off and this time she was the one who remained fully clothed while he had his pants around his ankles. He was going to make her pay.

Charles spun her around so that she faced away from him. Whipping out his hunting knife, he took pleasure in cutting the gown off her. He could always buy her another one. Shrugging, he licked his lips when a hiss escaped from between. Delicate cloth that felt like satin hugged her most intimate parts and left little of nothing to the imagination. Jealous poured from him at the scraps of clothing holding such delicious assets. It didn't matter because soon, he would be the one holding and devouring those intimate parts. Running his hands across her shoulders and down her back, he watched as her flesh responded to his touch. Wherever his touch trailed her fleshed puckered in response. It was quite fascinating. Unclasping her bra, he groaned as his hands finally enclosed around the mounds that they'd been desperately seeking. His breath fanned across the back of her neck, and he dragged his tongue along her neck reveling in the shudders of her body before biting down between her shoulder and neck. Charles grind against her ass while squeezing her breast. Fuck, should he take her from behind? He couldn't wait any longer, he had to take her.

Charles kicked his shoes off and removed the rest of his clothing. He cut kitten's panties then toss the hunting knife behind him. Spinning the gorgeous woman around to face him, he took his time appreciating her from her toes to the top of her head. When his eyes finally settled on hers, he grinned wickedly.

"You're mine. I will never let you go," he growled huskily before shoving her onto the bed. Charles wanted to play but they'd played long enough, this was the time when the hunter was finally able to enjoy his prey.

A throatily sound left Martha as Charles took her mouth. He raided it, leaving no corner unexplored like a pirate he continued to plunder her mouth even going so far to dive down the valley of her throat. Martha felt the heat between her legs grow as he ran his tongue across the roof of her mouth. She couldn't wait any longer. She wrapped her legs around his waist urging him to fill her, and save her from her madness. Martha cried out in happiness when he covered her body with his own. Her legs were spread, open and waiting for him. She felt his tip at her center.

"Charles please," she begged, looking into his eyes. His fingers intertwined intimately with hers and he held them over her head as he stared intently into her eyes. What did he want?

"Say it," he demanded. Charles knew he must hear the delicious-sounding words once more. Martha swallowed the rock that had lodged itself in her throat. She knew what he wanted. Her eyes left him and she opened her mouth to speak.

"No!" he shouted. "Look at me!" Charles thundered. Her eyes automatically flickered to him once again. Every emotion Martha was feeling filled her eyes, and the love she felt for him was so strong that it made her feel sick. She loved this man. It was that simple. "I love you."

Once he heard the euphoric words, he plunged mercilessly into her. He kept their hands intertwined and he gazed intimately into her eyes while he fucked her as hard as he could. He slammed himself repeatedly into her, the sounds tearing through the room. She was tight, hot, and ready for him. It felt so good inside of her. He wanted to bury himself into her forever and never leave. Charles paused dragging her to the corner of the bed. Turning her on her side, he plummeted into her once again and smile when he felt her body respond to the new angle. He was going to have fun tuning it to his needs.

Martha screamed as Charles slammed into her. Dear god, she was going to hit the big one. Fuck, tingles burst into her hands and her felt, as pressure swelled within in. "Oh my god, fuck, I can't," she muttered incoherently as he pounded relentlessly into her. "I can't, oh, fuck. It's build. Please, please, please," she chanted. She felt like a tsunami approaching an island, and she ached to destroy all in her path until her tumultuously waves calmed. When Charles hit her sweet spot, it caused her to submerge the island in the water. And she screamed, as her orgasm slammed into her. The sound tore from her throat while her body tingled from the aftermath. Feeling like goo, she caught her breath smiling inwardly at the words she heard during her release. He said he loved her. She smiled sated and completely spent.

"Next time, I'll have to show you my chamber," he whispered, kissing her gently on the forehead. Martha felt her heart jump in her chest, she would follow him to the very end. It was such a dangerous thought that it made her blood run cold, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, this incredible man loved her.

Charles took the gorgeous woman into his arms, carrying her to the master bathroom. An indescribable feeling filled him. Suddenly studying her, he felt fear. If she wanted to, she could break him. He pampered her before putting her to bed. She could be his downfall. Shaking the dark thoughts aside, he preceded to the bath. Tomorrow they had a busy day ahead of them, and well the night of course was going to be filled with pleasure.

Stretching, she smiled into the sheets before rolling over. The spot next to her had slightly cooled, it gave her a moment to bask in the afterglow of sex. Damn, she knew he would be a stud in bed. Instinct told her that she touched only the tip of the iceberg. Anyway, today she needed to talk to Chase about the chip. The situation changed and she couldn't really wait any longer. Not with that cop coming after her. She shuddered at the memory.

"Morning, kitten," Charles said, bringing breakfast in. She smiled at the tray he held with the danishes arranged neatly on a plate with coffee, orange juice, and milk.

"I didn't know what you wanted."

Martha blushed thinking about last night and thanked him. When he placed the tray in front of her, she grabbed him, enjoying the feel of his thick arm. She kissed him deeply her eyes fluttering shut as she immersed herself in the moment.

Suddenly, her eyes flew opened only to witness his trademark smirk stretching across his face, and she flushed the color of scarlet. She blinked owlishly at his gleaming white teeth.

"Good Morning," she said, glancing shyly at him. Stupid man.

"What's on the agenda for today?" He planted himself next to her and grabbed the second cup of coffee.

"I've got to catch up with Chase and find out what exactly did he take from the cop. Then I have to pay my mother a visit no matter how much I want to strangle her. You?"

"I have a couple of follow ups. When I finish, I will give you a call, maybe take you out for dinner and some desert afterwards," he said with smoldering eyes.

Her body grew warm at the statement, and her eyes grew large at Charles boisterous laughter.

"What? What?" she questioned looking around. It was then she realized that she missed her mouth and the tart she'd been eating was all over her face. Charles leant forward and her body tense. Was he going to kiss her? Eh? She squealed when the wet muscle darted out from between her lips removing the tart from her face.

"Charlie!" she whined, leaning away from him. He pecked her on the nose before leaving the room. She threw her pillow at him and grumbled when it missed its mark. Idiotic man.

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