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At a hotel everyone is sleeping but their new camera operator who's sharing a room with Zak woke up to find Zak not in the room. She gets up and opens the door to see nobody in the hall. She wonders if Zak went for a walk because he gets insomnia sometimes. She gets dressed and goes downstairs. As she passes a ball room, she hears a piano being played.

She walks in quietly and sees Zak playing it. She just stands there and listens until Zak finishes her clapping spooks Zak. "Hailey, you scared me what are you doing here?". "I woke up and saw you weren't in bed, so I thought you went for a walk in the park across the street. As I was walking by, I heard the playing I came in and saw you" she replied walking over. "You found out my little secret" he said with a smile.

"How long have you-". "When I was sick with Leukemia my grandmother would take my mind off the side effects of chemo by teaching me how to play. My grandmother thought after I went into remission, I'd stop but I liked playing the piano, so I kept learning until I got into the paranormal business. As my grandmother got older, she couldn't play as much as she wanted to so whenever I visited, I'd play for her I even played  the first song she taught me at her funeral" Zak replied as Hailey sat next to him.

"Your grandmother taught you well Zak she'd be proud you kept playing" as she wiped a tear from Zak's face. "It's funny whenever I see a piano, I swear I can hear my grandmother teaching me". "Well now I know what to get you for your birthday an electronic keyboard, so you can keep playing" she remarked. "It's late come on let's try to get some sleep" Zak stated. As they were leaving Zak turned and saw himself as a kid as his grandmother taught him how to play. Very good Zakary you're picking this up very fast. "Come on Zak". Thanks, Grand mom he muttered and left.

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