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Zak was looking over a few things when a knock came to the door.  He opened it to see Johnny standing there with a piece of paper.  "Hey Johnny, what's up?".   He gave the note to Zak that asked Zak to take Johnny to a doctor's appointment since Aurora was ill.  "Go tell your mother I'll do it" and Johnny ran off as Zak smiled. 

At the hospital Johnny and Zak were playing checkers as the doctor came in.  "I win"Johnny remarked.  "I swear you're cheating man"Zak joked as he got up.  "Hey Johnny, where's your mom?"the doctor asked.  "Aurora got sick so I was asked to take him" Zak replied.  "Uncle Zak" Johnny stated.  "You must be the paranormalist Rachel told me about you" The doctor remarked. "Can I have a tissue?" Johnny asked.  They turned to see Johnny's nose bleeding.

"Here you go buddy" Zak said giving him his handkerchief.  "Did you get nosebleed when you had Leukemia Uncle Zak?" Johnny inquired.  "Yeah, I had pretty bad one that I needed a blood transfusion" Zak replied.  "So, you're the uncle who had the same type of Leukemia as Johnny" as Johnny wiped his nose.  "Yeah, I did but when I had my second bout, I was afraid to tell my friends or my family; that I paid the price by needing a bone marrow transplant or die"Zak replied. 

"Who was your donor?".  "My twin sister she matched me to a 't'"Zak stated.  "That's good to hear I'm just going to run a blood count and if everything is all right you guys can go home" and the doctor left.  The next day Rachel was working at the haunted museum when Zak came in.  "Thanks for taking Johnny to his appointment".  "No problem but I have something to show you".

"What's that?".  "Come on and I'll show you"Zak replied.  They went to his office and Zak locked the door.  Zak took off his pants and on his hip was a tattoo of a blood bag with the name RACHEL In it with a line flowing out the words :THANKFUL.  "Oh my god Zack why did you get that?" as Zak pulled up his pants.  "It was because of you I'm here on this earth. Enjoying life and my job.  Even thou it came with a price I never forgot what you did that day to save my life and it's my way of remembering it" Zak stated tearing up.  She gave Zak a hug as tears fell down her face as well.

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