Part 20

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Jordan's POV:

I'm in the car with my suit.

I don't even know what this is for

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I don't even know what this is for. We see the restaurant. I see y/n's house. I'll visit her later. "We're here." Noah says. We are gonna look for parking you go inside." Louis says. "Why me?" I question. "It's reserved under your name. "Oh okay. I'll see you guys then?" I ask while getting out of the car. "Mhm." Then they leave. I enter the restaurant. "Hi. How you doing?" I ask. "Good and you?" He asks back. "Doing well." I reply. "You have a reservation?" He asks me. "Yes. It's under the name, Jordan Phillips." I say. He smiles and says "right this way, sir." He leads me to a table. I see y/n sitting there too. She's bouncing her leg. She seems nervous. "Hey" I say. "What are you doing here?" I say to her. "You'll see. Sit."

I noticed her outfit and she looked gorgeous. "You look absolutely beautiful, y/n." I tell her. She blushes and says "you look just as well." We continued to talk for a little while and we finished dinner. I noticed she was a little uneasy. "Hey are you sure you're okay?" I ask her. "Hmm yea. Let's go to the park?" She says. "Whatever's happening... it's not bad right because this is scaring me." I asked starting to feel uneasy as well. "Hey hey I'm fine." She says. "Ok..." I tell her. She takes a deep breath as we get up.

We start walking to the park and she has no jacket. I notice her shiver a little. I remove my jacket and put it on her. "I noticed you're cold." She cuddles into my jacket and says "heh thank you." Even though it's night, I notice her cheeks reddening. I ignore it. We arrive at the park. "Let's go in the tree." She suggests. "Yea sure." I go up first and help her since she has heels on. "Okay I need to tell you something." She blurts out. "Oh? What's up?" I say. "Ok... here goes." She pauses to breathe. 

"I like you. I've loved you since prom. Realized I liked you, the first time we slow danced at your house during the 5th grade. I always knew I liked you. I would always deny it and hide it but I can't anymore." She reaches for something at the top branch. Roses and a little box? She hands me the roses. She takes my hand and says. "Would you do me the honor and be my boyfriend?" She nervously asks as she opens the box to reveal a black metal ring with a blue stone on it and a silver ring with a stone on it. "I would love to." She takes the black ring and puts it on my finger.

"And... I've always liked you. I realized I had feelings for you when you forgave me and held me in your arms to comfort me the first time. You helped me through so much. You're the one person who is always going to be there for me. There's no one better out there for me. It's always going to be you. So would you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" I say mimicking her actions. "I would love to." She says lowering her voice trying to mock me. We laugh as I put the silver ring on her hand. We interlock hands and smile. "And roses really?" I say. "What? Roses represent the emotion of love." She tells me. I climb off the tree. She follows. She brings out her speaker. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She ignores me and puts on the song 'thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran. She grabs my hand and we both start to sway and dance.



We start dancing to the song. "Why is it you who always has to ask? I'm the man." He tells me. "And why does the man always have to be the assertive and confident one? Can't a girl ask a guy out?" I say as I squint my eyes suspiciously looking into his eyes. "Tradition." He simply says. "Well screw tradition." I say as I put my forehead on his. We both lean in and kiss. We pull away and keep our foreheads on each other's. "This is the first song we've slow danced to." He says. "And this is the place we first met and became best friends and is now the place we became each other's worlds." I say as I hold him tighter. We both lean in and kiss. "Don't leave... again." I tell him.



"And that is our story." I tell our children. "Mom you asked dad out? Dad come on now." One of our sons says. "Hey your mom wanted to be the assertive one." Millie tells the boys. Us, adults laugh and smile remembering all our memories together. "We've all been through a lot together." Jordan says. "But we always got through it."

•We all still hang out everyday just like the old days.
•Allison married Scott.
•Liam and Theo are the single cool uncles.
•Draco is still single.
•Charlie is now engaged to a girl named Linda.
•Marcus found himself a lady, Saya.
•Stiles is married to Lydia.
•Harry and Hermione are newly married.
•Millie and Louis are finally together.
•Just like Millie and Louis, Katie and Noah are engaged.
•Jordan and I have 3 sons. Mattia, Alejandro, and Kairi. They are triplets. They are now 18.

The boys went up to their room and us adults stayed down here. It was only the six of us today since the other eleven had plans. "Still have your necklaces?" I ask smiling. We all remove them off our necks and connect them and put it on the table. "Always and forever?" Jordan says putting his pinky up just like the time I forgave the five who had hurt me. We all raised our pinkies and interlocked them and we say in unison "Always and forever."

The end

Please don't leave... again ||Wil Horneff||Where stories live. Discover now