Part 13

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Jordan's POV:

I get up and start walking to the now abandoned playground I used to go to. Where I met my best friend. My mind drifted back to y/n. I start to wonder if she's okay. If she's crying. He didn't deserve her. She didn't deserve the pain she was going through. How can he pick anyone over her? Yes I know. I had a girlfriend. I liked Lydia but I'm IN love with y/n. I always have been and always will be. On the way to the park, I see Stiles.

"Dude I'm sorry." He tells me. "You're sorry." I scoff. "Yea I am." He says. "And I..." I tell him. "Don't give a fuck." I continued. "Great going you hurt y/n." I tell him shaking my head. "I know. Don't shake your head at me. You hurt her too." I hear him tell me. "Yea i know. I screwed up but I didn't hurt her the way you just hurt her. I was angry and jealous, Stiles. I assumed too quickly. But you? You cheated for no reason." I tell him raising my voice. "I have a reason." He says. I look at him waiting for him to continue.

"Y/n's perfect. She's amazing. She's pretty, smart and everything a guy could want but she made me feel little. I always felt like I would never feel enough for her. I felt stuck. I question everyday why a girl like her could ever want me back." He explains to me. I scoff. "Pathetic." I say. "What?" Stiles says. "She's a goddess, man. She is amazing. You let her get away. Why? Because you didn't feel like you were enough. You felt like you weren't enough so you did this to what? Make HER feel like she wasn't enough?! That was your solution? It's stupid." I say pissed. "I wasn't thinking." He says. "Still isn't a excuse. There is no good excuse you could use. She's perfect. You hurt her due to you're own insecurities." I spit. I walk away.



I was at the park. I looked around. This is the exact spot I was in when I met my best friend. I spot a tree with a great memory it carries for us.

"Come on! Come on up!" Jordan yells. "No I don't wanna get hurt. This tree is too high." I tell him. "I promise you will love it." He says convincing me. "Fine." I tell him. He reaches for my hand to help me climb the tree. Once I was up there, I felt the breeze run past my face. It looked beautiful. "It's amazing up here, isn't it?" Jordan asks me. "I feel like I'm on top of the world." I tell him. It was getting dark so we climbed off the tree. I started walking. "Wait!" Jordan exclaims. I turn around. I see him carving something into the tree. I walk back to him and look over his shoulder. It was our names. "This will forever be OUR tree from now on." Jordan tells me as he sent a smile my way. We were in third grade.

Only if he knew... if WE knew back then.

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