Part 18

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I want them all to meet so I texted the group chats.

Y/N: meet at the diner to eat breakfast in 20 mins?

Louis: bet

Millie: sure lemme just get ready

Katie: yea I'll be there

Y/N: Noah?

Noah: Yea sure. I need to withdraw tho. They only take cash.

Y/N: I'll pay for you.

Noah: you sure?

Y/N: yea.


Y/N: wanna go get breakfast at the diner in 20?

Malia and Allison: sure

Hermione: see you there

Marcus: yuh I'll be there

Stiles: me too?

Y/N: yea only if you can come

Scott: Liam and Theo are with me right now. We all say okay.

Draco and Harry: we will be there too

Charlie: I'm going too

Y/N: okay good.

The diner is usually empty so it will be fine with us. They also have a section that fits all of us. I start walking there and I get a text from Jordan.

Jordan: We are here outside.

Y/N: kk I'm almost there.

I'm a street away and I see them. I start to see the other group come. I cross the street and hug Jordan and he wraps his arms around my waist. I go inside and I see the others. I walk up to them. "Hey guys. I brought my best friends." I say. "I see you got them back." Charlie says. "Wait you guys have matching necklaces? Those are so cute." Malia says as we all sit in our seats. "Yea we got them in 6th grade which was over 4 years ago." Louis says. We all continue to talk and order our food.

They were all getting along pretty quickly. I started talking to Jordan alone. "Wait no way? She went back to him? Come on now." I say. "I know that's what we told her but she didn't listen and he cheated again." Jordan tells me. "I don't know why she keeps going back. She keeps giving him opportunities to hurt her again. She's setting herself up." I said shaking my head feeling bad for an old friend. "We should go to the rink." Charlie says. "Y/n. You me rematch." He continues. "You wanna lose again? Bet." We all go to the rink. "Y/L/N steals the puck from under his nose. Conway trying to get it back. She speeds up. She's on a BREAKAWAY! This is amazing. 3 seconds until the games over. She shoots. She SCORES!" Jordan spectates.

Louis, Millie, Katie, and Noah slides onto the ice. "Always gonna be our MVP." Millie screams. "Hummm goalie goalie. Humm goalie goalie." Noah sings. They all look at us weirdly. "They do this every time I win something." I explain. "Which we do it quite a lot." Noah tells them. "Y/n you play too many sports." Charlie says still out of breath. "Sorry I'm just competitive." I say as I shrug my shoulder. Jordan finally puts me down. We all skated around and had fun. I'm glad they all get along. I was skating then stopped to breathe. Then Jordan comes out of nowhere and picks me up and skates away with me in his hands.

I didn't fight it because I didn't want to fall or get dropped. I put my arms around his neck and stared at him. He looks at me and smiles at me. That smile. Those eyes. That messy dirty blonde hair. God he's perfect.

Please don't leave... again ||Wil Horneff||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora