Part 03

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It's the first day of freshman year. The past month and a half, the 5 of us have tried contacting Jordan. His house was still there but he never was. He never answered our calls or texts. He ghosted us. "Come on, y/n." Louis says. "He's gone and we can't do anything about it." Katie says as we put our head down missing our best friend. "He has to come. He can't just leave. Hes gonna be back. I know it." I tell them. "I sure do hope so. I miss him and you." Noah tells us as we enter the building. "Me? I'm here though?" I ask confused. "The way you used to smile and laugh when he was here." Millie tells me. "Oh I'm sorry." "No don't be." Louis says. "It's not your fault." Noah says.

We all continue talking and laughing until we heard Katie scoff and say "you have got to be kidding me." We turn around to where she was looking at. There he was. Jordan. MY Jordan. Holding hands with some blonde named Carol. He's hanging out with preppies? We watched him walk down the hall. He sees us and looks down. "He ditched us for those preppies?!" I whisper-shout at them balling my hands into fists. "I'm sorry. I know you were hoping for him to come back but-" Noah says rubbing my back. "I know I know. He's not. He's clearly not." I say defeatedly. We get our schedules. "Great I have no classes with you guys together." I say. "We have lunch at least. Meet outside of cafe?" Katie asks. "Yea of course." We all reply. We all go out separate ways and go to class.

As I enter my first class, someone catches my eye. "Great." I whisper as I cross his desk. His eyes follow me. I sit and see him looking. I roll my eyes and look up front. The next three classes were the same. He was there. I'm gonna see him everyday? Just ignore him like he ignored you the whole summer. I hear the bell rings. I rush out of the classroom to meet the group. They were all there. "Come on let's go." Katie says while she and Millie link their arms on mine.

We sit. "So how's class, y/n?" Millie asks. "Yea since you're the only one without the same schedule." Louis says nudging my arm. "Hate my classes." I tell them. "It can't be that bad." Katie tells me. "He has to be in my first four classes. I don't know if he will be in my sixth to eighth classes though." I tell them while angrily stabbing my salad. "Oh so I stand corrected." Katie says looking at me with sympathy. We continue talking. At a distance, I see Jordan. My Jordan. He's sitting with Carol. He's laughing. How can he sit there and smile and look so handsome? I was snapped out of my thoughts from the bell. "Outside of school on the steps." I tell them. "Well duh." Noah tells me sarcastically.

Sixth to eighth period went by quickly. Of course, he had to be in all my classes. We have the same exact schedule. I leave class and meet the group again. I don't see them so I wait. The five finally came into sight. They saw and approached me. "So?..." Louis asked. "Just my luck. He's in ALL my classes." I say rolling my eyes. We all look back since we hear the door open again. He sees us five. He quickly looks away with his NEW group. We roll our eyes and walk home. "Unbelievable. I wasted my time hoping. He just ghosted and replaced us." I say angry.

My house was further away then theirs from the school. So I dropped them all off. "You sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Louis asked. "No I can manage." I tell him. "Be careful." He warns me while hugging me. He doesn't let go. "And feel better, okay?" "Yea I will." I reply. "Okay go home. Facetime us when you get home." He tells me. "Of course. Bye!" I say while walking down the stairs. I continue walking.


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