Part 02

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10 years ago

I was on the swings. I watched as every other child has a friend to play with. I look down playing with my hands. "Hey!" I hear a unfamiliar voice say. I look up. I see a boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. "Oh uh hi." I reply back confused. He smiles at me. "Wanna be friends?" He asks me waiting for my answer. "Oh yea!" I yell. "Jordan." He says putting his hand out for me to shake. I gladly take it and say "y/n." He suddenly pulls me and takes me to the sandbox. Jordan A.K.A. my best friend. My first ever friend.

That... that was the day I got my first best friend.

4 years later

"Here we are!" I say facing Jordan. "Our last day of elementary school!" He continues just as excited as I am. The day goes by as it always was. We both rush to his house. The graduation ceremony is in a few hours. I dropped my dress and shoes at his house this morning. We both rush up the stairs into his room. "Ok it's graduation! We have to look-" I say. "Good." Jordan says cutting me off. At this point, I'm used to it. We grab our outfits and put them on.

*knock* *knock*

"Who is it?" I ask through the door. "It's Jordan! Hurry our parents are almost here." He says warning me. "Oh OK! I'm almost done." A few minutes later, I leave the bathroom and say "so how do I look?" I ask the boy who's in front of me. "Stunning like always." He grabs my hand just like the first day we met and led me to the car.

That... that is when I knew we would be doing everything together or so we thought.

3 months later

"Ok you ready?" Jordan asks me taking my hand as we enter our new school. "Ready as I can be." I assure him. "Ok let's go." We both say in unison as we enter the building. We go to the office to receive our schedules. "Cool! We're in the same class." I say high-fiving Jordan. We both smile as we look at each other. We walk to out home room class. We see a lot of new faces. That is when I felt my nerves tense up. "Hey hey. Relax. I'm here. We will get through middle school together." He says taking my shoulders. I breathe and we find a seat right next to each other.

A group of four come out of nowhere. They sit right across us. "Hi!" I say greeting them. "Hi." They reply back. "Oh right. Names y/n and this is Jordan." I tell them. "Oh I'm Millie." "I'm Noah." "I'm Katie." "And I'm Louis," they inform us while smiling. "I can tell we will all be good friends." Jordan tells them. "Well I sure hope so." Louis tells us. That is when I met the other four who is part of the group. We spent all of middle school by each other. It's now prom. We are going as a group and agreed on it. We decided no dates. Just each other. We all rejected everyone who has asked us.

Millie, Katie and I rush to her house to get ready. We did our hair then makeup then put our dresses and heels on.

                            Y/N, Katie and Millie             (Imagine the dresses without the print

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Y/N, Katie and Millie
           (Imagine the dresses without the print.)

We walk into the gymnasium. We look for the boys. We see many people looking at us in awe. We spot the three. We walk over to them. "Whats good?!" I scream to them over the blasting music. "You guys look amazing!" Jordan compliments us. "Why thank you." I tell him. The three boys take our hands and showed us to our table. A slow song comes on. "Hey would you like to dance?" We hear three boys ask us. We look at them. "Sorry boys but we have our own partners." We say grabbing Noah, Jordan and Louis. We all start dancing to the music. I'm dancing with Jordan. Louis is dancing with Millie. Noah is swaying to the music with Katie. I just look into Jordan's eyes and smile.

And that... that was the time when I realized he was the boy I wanted.

1 month later

Jordan takes all of us to the field as we all play baseball together for fun. "Come on y/n! You got this!" Katie cheered. I smile at her and laugh a little. "Ok come on focus on the game now." Jordan says. He throws the ball and I hit it. "AND IT'S A...HOMERUN!" Louis spectates. I run and win the game for us girls. "WOOOOO!" They all run towards me. Jordan puts me on his shoulder. "AND THERE SHE IS! OUR MVP!" Noah screams. "Hmmm batter batter! Ehhh batter batter! Swing batter batter!" They all sing as I'm still off the ground laughing.

Now that... that was the last time we hung out or seen Jordan that summer.

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