Part 11

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It's been 10 months. (I know there's a lot of time skips in this story. Not much really happened.)

I woke up to a spam on my phone. I look at my phone. It's 7:15 am and I see texts from the group chat.

Y/N: It's 7 in the morning. Why are y'all spamming?

Charlie🏒: Oh finally. We've been trying to reach you. We were all planning to go to the diner across my house for breakfast.

Marcus 👹: Yea come with us.

Y/N: Cool cool. Lemme just get ready.

Allison❤️: Yea hurry up. We are all hungry.

Y/N: Okay okay.

I put on my outfit. I rush to the diner. I see my friends. I walk to our table. "Babe hey." I say while kissing Stiles. Oh forgot to mention Stiles is my boyfriend. As I go to the counter to order my breakfast, I see my ex-group. God I missed them. They abandoned me though. I made eye contact with Jordan and quickly looked away. He's still with Lydia. I really like Stiles but I'm in love with Jordan. I get my order and walk back to our booth. Stiles steals my iced coffee and sips into it. "Hey!" I exclaim putting my food down. I snatch it from his hands and drink it. "Mine." I say sternly while staring at his eyes. We continue to talk and laugh.

"There's this party." Malia says. "Oh?" I reply. "We should go." Stiles says. "Yea I agree." I tell them. "Ok then it's settled." Marcus says. "We will pick you girls up." Scott says. We nod. The girls and I go to my house and the boys goes to Charlie's.

                           Hermione's dress

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                           Hermione's dress

                                    Malia's dress

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                                    Malia's dress

                                    Malia's dress

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                                Allison's dress

                                Allison's dress

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                                  Y/N'S dress

The doorbell rings. "That's probably the guys. Let's go." I say. We all rush down. We open the door. As expected, it's the guys. They stare at us. We laugh a little. We snap our fingers in front of their faces. "Yea we know we look hot but it's disrespectful to stare yk." Hermione says. I grab Stiles hand. "All eyes are gonna be on you four." Theo tells us. Liam agrees. "Well they can stare." Allison says. "But not touch." I add on. We arrive to the party. As we entered the building, all we could smell was alcohol. We found a table to sit at. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I tell them. "Yea go ahead." They all said. As I was making my way to the drinks, I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." A guy says. I know his voice all too well. I look up. "It's fine." I tell him "I'm getting a drink so I'm gonna go." I say rushing to the drinks. As I was getting my drink, I saw them. My group... well, my old group. Lydia wasn't there? Surprising. I walk back to my table and see Stiles is gone. "Hey where did Stiles go?" I ask. "I don't know. He said he was gonna go to the bathroom." Scott tells me. "Oh ok." I reply back not thinking anything about it. I sit down and talk. It's been half an hour and he still wasn't back. "I'll be back." I tell my friends. They nod and go back to talking.

I looked at the drinks, the dance floor and all of that but he wasn't there. I went upstairs to look. I looked at all the doors except this one. I hear grunts and moans coming from the room. I'm hoping that it isn't him. I open the door. I felt someone behind me but ignored it. My face drops at what I'm seeing right now.

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