Part 14

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I go up to the tree. The carving is still there. I take a picture of it remembering that day. How happy we were that day. I put my hand over it. "I miss you. Even if we aren't talking right now, I still think of you as my best friend." I started to climb the tree just like the day we claimed this plant together. I leaned against a branch. It was stable enough to hold me. I look to my left and wished he was up here with me again. I smile remembering the memory.

I remembered more memories we made in this park. "3...2...1! Ready or not here I come." Jordan yells. I'm hiding behind a random tree. I look to my right and see him trying to find me. "Y/n, guys, where are you?" I hear Jordan ask mischievously. All of a sudden, I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. "Found ya." He says. "Now come on help me find the other four." He says taking my hand. "Fine."

That was over 2 years ago. How often do you see eighth graders play hide and seek at a abandoned park?

"I challenge you to a race." 13-year-old Jordan tells me. "Oh you're on." I say. We both start to run. "I win!" I say raising my hands up and dancing. The six of us laugh and fall onto the ground laughing. We all put music onto the tiny speaker Louis brings with him. He puts a slow song. "May I have this dance?" I ask Jordan. "Hey I was gonna ask that. I'm the man." He says. "Yea a man. And why can't a girl be independent and ask herself?" I say squinting my eyes at him. "Whatever come on let's dance." He says grabbing my arm as we join the other four who are already dancing.

7th grade. What a year.

"Tag you're it!" I say as I ran away from Jordan. "Not for long!" He yells chasing me. "Ahhhhh no I'm not being it no more." I yell as I started running faster seeing that he is catching up. "Kids come on! It's time to eat dinner." I hear Jordan's mom say. "Can I join? Moms working late today." I ask her. "Oh of course. She told me to ask you to join us." She tells me. I run to her and hug her. "Thank you." I politely tell her. "Yay more time with y/n." Jordan says as he claps his hands together excited.

To be six again and take back the time we had together that we also took for granted. I just want to hug you again, Jordan. Make sure you're okay. I say as another tear falls down my face.

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