Chapter 33 A Dangerous Encounter With The World Heavyweight Champion

Start from the beginning

Lori sees Lincoln and goes to greet him

Lori: Morning little brother
Lincoln: Lori we've been through this I'm not your brother but morning regardless
Lori: Ok Lincoln can I please go jogging with you today?
Lincoln: I do my 7 miles alone thank you very much so no
Lori: Please I really want to jog with you and ask you something important pretty please just this once
Lincoln: Alright fine you can run with me and ask your dumb question but I'll allow it only once
Lori hugs him
Lori: Thank you thank you very much Lincoln I wish I could kiss you right now ( She joked)
Lincoln: ( Annoyed) I'm married, happily married for that matter and by the way aren't you supposed to be married to Bobby whose my bro, it would be disgusting since you were my sister key word "were" now get off me before I change my mind
Lori: Sorry got carried away ( In her mind) dammit almost made him fall into my trap he almost said I'm his sister
Lincoln: Let's go

The two start running as they head down town it was clear Lincoln was the faster one as he started leaving her behind for Lori it's not surprising as he is an athlete and he spent a career training like this after 7 miles of non stop running Lori was huffing and puffing heavilly and sweating profusely while Lincoln was just sweating and hardly huffing and puffing as they took a rest before heading for the gym. Lori decided it was now or never.
Lori: Lincoln I wanted to ask can I spend the day with you on Saturday one on one shopping at the mall and doing other fun things there?, if you agree I got a surprise for you.

Lincoln: Fine as much as Martin and the title are my main reasons for being back I did say I'll spend time with all you individually too so I'm game
Lori: That's good

Lincoln and Lori went to the gym running

Lori: Here we go again!!!

Lincoln since the last few weeks has been sparring a few thousand rounds with his sparring partners and he now spars 175 rounds with them a day as he prepares to face Bruno and after that he goes to the speed bag and the heavy bag as well lift weights as Angelo Dundee told him to not let Martin manhandle him and overpower and actually do that to the champion similar to how Muhammad Ali did that to George Foreman in 1974 in Zaire since Dundee was Muhammad's legendary trainer and has employed some of Ali's strategies and skills on to Loud and obviously some didn't work as Lincoln wasn't cut out to be Ali but his own fighter but some of his father figure's did work as he had incredible head movement and hand speed to a lesser extent foot speed and great jab with either hand and had knockout power in either hand especially his right

After watching him train for 5-6 hours  Lori and Lincoln leave the gym and head back to the house

Meanwhile With The Heavyweight division

Here was the updated version of the top 10 heavyweight division

Bruno Martin ( Champion)

1 Lincoln Loud
2 Mike Tyson
3 Carl Williams
4 Tim Witherspoon
5 James Bonecrusher Smith
6 Adilson Rodriguez
7 Tony Tucker
8 James Buster Douglas
9 Trevor Berbick
10 Michael Dokes

former champion Trevor Berbick barely survived a terrifying knockdown in the 8th round to win a split decision by outworking another former world champion in the now past his best Mike Weaver to win the decision

Jose Ribalta defeated Frank Bruno by unanimous decision before losing to Tim Witherspoon

Tim Witherspoon knocked out David Jaco in the second round before stopping Jose Ribalta in the 11th round

Mike Tyson fought Tony Tubbs in a rematch of their first fight 2 years earlier and it ended the same way Tyson knocking out Tubbs in the second round

James Buster Douglas defeated Michael Dokes by split decision following his loss to Lincoln Loud

Donovan Razor Ruddock is knocking on the door of the top 10 as he knocks out everyone in sight

Carl Williams after losing to both Lincoln Loud and Bruno Martin in back to back knockouts he took some time off before returning to stop Pinklon Thomas in the last round ( 12th)

Michael Dokes in an effort to save his failing career agreed to rematch James Buster Douglas and James Bonecrusher Smith as he still believed he could become world heavyweight champion again

15 September 1987

Lincoln and the rest of the Louds finally voted and chose him to go as a werewolf after Lucy and Leni designed a good werewolf costume Lincoln, Luan and Lucy are in Luan's car heading to the promotional shoot once they got there they put it on him and Martin was dressed as bettlejuice as nobody could stop him

There was so much animosity between these two men and so much tension in the air the security had to be placed just outside the camera shot range to make sure things don't go down that road

Thankfully the shooting went well as both boxers posed in their monster costumes with boxing gloves on in boxing stances facing each other until the photographer took all the pictures he needed Luan led Lincoln away to the dressing room while Lucy kept an eye on the champ Bruno Martin

Bruno saw Lucy's disapproving look and approached her

Bruno Martin: Hi Lucy right??
Lucy: What the hell do you want?
Bruno Martin: Just wanted to catch up with my buddy Lincoln before the big fight and maybe to ask you out
Lucy: I want nothing to do with you same goes for Lincoln except for those three belts you got
Bruno Martin: Well he's never gonna get them all he will get is an ass kicking from me and knocked out by me and a pay day oh did I forget anything else and he'll be retired in that ring in front of all of you freaks if I were you I would tell him to back out of this fight he knows he can't beat me if his life depended on it
Lucy: My big brother will beat you on Halloween night and send you back to France
Bruno Martin: Oh really ok here's something from me to you

( He grabs Lucy and force kisses her before she pulls away and slaps him hard in the face)
Lucy: You dirty son of a bitch!!!
Bruno Martin: Wow what a good kisser for a goth ( he slaps her butt as well) hope I can get a piece of that ass Lucy and I'll show you what a real man like me can do unlike your American boys especially your brother!!
Lucy: You are gonna pay on Halloween Lincoln is gonna kill you you asshole and send you back to thr horrible parents who raised you!!!
Bruno Martin: Well in that case I was gonna just knockout your brother and retire him but now for just for that slap and the rejection nobody rejects Bruno Martin and gets away with it you better get reacquainted with him fast and plan his funeral too because when I'm done with the so called ultimate warrior he will be coming home in a coffin!!!

Bruno Martin storms off to the lockers

As Lucy is left stunned and very fearful for her brother's life as she turns and runs to tell the rest of the family and that includes Lincoln!

AN: Done Lincoln agreed to spend the day with Lori which is in the next chapter and Rita made a promise to The twins to change so that they can help her win back Lincoln and speaking of Lincoln, Bruno Martin just made this fight even more personal by forcing himself on to Lucy and after getting rejected decided to make his intentions clear that not only will be ending Lincoln Loud's career on October 31st 1987 but the heavyweight champion also vowed to end his life what do you think will happen next chapter when the Louds discover the news and can Lincoln pull this off as he's not only fighting for the title but his life as well anyway please leave your thoughts on the chapter I'll see you later bye and have a great day or great night wherever you are bye

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