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"I hate it when you have that expression." I say as Sehun closes the door of my room and walks towards me.

"What expression?"

"That everything is fucked up."

"It's, Sooya." He sighs and sits across from me.

"How fucked up?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"They owe it to one of the biggest Asian mafias. Everything's very well structured and covered up by them, there are few rumors about the leaders." He runs his hand over his face.

"Which one?"

"What we know so far is that these people make the victims become addicted and acquire a debt with them that never seems to be paid."

"But Jennie's father's debt wasn't paid?"

"Technically yes, but it seems they're masters at getting victims to sign various papers and promissory notes, so you never know how much they're against you."

"And the police? Why doesn't anyone do anything against these bastards?"

"Because they have people within the police and governments. They're everywhere, Soo, like a cancer."

"So there's no way to solve this?"

"I don't think so, even if you gave all your fortune to them, I bet they would still have something to charge."

"There has to be some way, Sehun! I can't leave them behind Jennie like this, she'll never have peace. We'll never have peace."

"We won't give up investigating, but this is much bigger than we imagined, Jisoo."

"They need to launder this dirty money somehow. There has to be something we're not seeing."

"It seems that before, their focus was on Japan, but now their focus is here, maybe it can help us or it can be worse."

"We have no indication of who the leader is?"

"No, no suspicions. As I told you, they cover everything up and the members defend themselves."

"Why? How horrible can they be at this point?"

"They take people in critical conditions and give them conditions, they feel grateful and indebted, like a big family."

"Beautiful! A big family of fuckers who want to derail my plans to have my own family."

"Wow! I've never seen you so angry and prepared to defend someone like that." he smiles "It's good to see you're okay, at least your heart is the same as before."

"No, my heart is better than before, because now I know Jennie won't leave me." I rest my elbow on the table and my chin in the palm of my hand.

"Who would have thought that Kim Jisoo would become such a pet." he starts laughing and I throw a pen at him.

"Asshole! You're jealous because you wanted it to be you instead of Jennie." I stick my tongue out at him and he throws the pen at me again.

"Unfortunately it's true, but as long as she makes you happy, I'm happy for you. You deserve it after a year of suffering."

"The last year seems like a nightmare so far away when I look in her eyes." I say thoughtfully remembering that gummy smile that makes her eyes narrow "I miss Jennie."

"Jisoo, it's mid-afternoon, control your passionate heart."

"The day you fall in love, you'll know what I'm talking about." I pout "What are the next steps in our investigation?"

"We'll try to get a double spy, but he'll want a lot of money."

"That's no problem, unless you see it's getting us nowhere."

"If we do, maybe we'll have a name or at least we'll better understand how the extortion scheme works."

"I just want to get Jennie out of all this."

"I know, we'll be able to save her." Sehun squeezes my hand and I smile at him, but then Jennie walks into the room and her expression closes automatically, making me pull my hand away in reflex.

"Am I disturbing something?" She says and Sehun gives me that amused smile of someone who is going to do something. I shake my head in denial to stop him from making Jennie jealous.

"Actually yes, Sooya and I were remembering some important moments of our relationship and you entered without knocking." He gets up, feigning irritation.

"Remembering moments, Jisoo?" the tone of voice she uses makes me shiver and it's not in a hot way.

"I keep you up to date." Sehun blinks before leaving and Jennie slams the door.

"What the fuck is going on? Kim Jisoo!"

"Jendeukie, he was teasing you." I stand up and approach her, placing my hands on the cutest cheeks in the whole world. "You know I only have eyes for you or else you would kill me."

"Don't play with me!" she says practically in a growl and I swallow hard. How can someone so cute be so threatening like that?

"I never played with you." I try to kiss her, but she turns her face and crosses her arms. "Mandu!"

"I'm not a mandu!" she huffs annoyed and her cheeks get even bigger, making my heart melt even more.

"This mandu is mine!" I squeeze her cheeks and she starts patting me, making me laugh.

"You're so annoying and childish." She rolls her eyes, but smiles right away and hugs me tightly.

"I was missing you." I close my eyes as I slide my hands down her back.

"We saw each other a few hours ago, Chu." She says softly and gives a cute giggle.

"If you weren't homesick too, you wouldn't be here." I start tickling her and the sound of her laughter fills the room.

"STOP, CHU! PLEASE!" she tries to hold my hands, but I push her against the door and kiss her.

Jennie squeezes the back of my head, pressing me against her, and I moan at the feel of her tongue under mine.

"You were right, I missed you." She whispers when we move a few centimeters away.

"You're Jendeukie, obviously you miss me all the time." I say in a smug tone and she rolls her eyes, biting her bottom lip, but there's something in her gaze. "What was it?"

"It may be my paranoia, but when I was coming here, I had the impression that I was being followed or watched."

"Didn't you recognize anyone?"

"No, but I'm scared, Chu." My heart aches to see her so fragile.

"Don't worry, Jendeukie. You know I'll do anything to protect you. Nothing will happen, I promise you." I give her a kiss on her forehead and hug her tightly, silently hoping for Sehun to find out who's responsible for all this hell we're facing.

4 chapters to the end... pls, don't forget to vote!

Side by Side - JENSOOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora