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"Jennie, accept the deal!" my mother changes her voice between her tears.

I stare at the paper in front of me again. A common-law marriage contract to settle all debts.

Tempting, I would say. Very tempting. The debt collector is staring at me in a very familiar way, but I can't remember where I know him.

"Miss Kim, we don't have all day." He sighs, as if he's bored.

"Come on, Jennie. You can't not sign this contract, it's to prevent us from suffering more in the future." she pulls my arm and the doorbell rings. The two men, standing behind the man sitting across from us, look at each other in confusion.

"Could you open the door?" I sigh and pull the contract closer, the bell rings more insistently.

"Who could arrive at such a tragic time like this?" my mother throws herself at the table with an exaggerated drama.

"Who are you?" one of the thugs says.

"The owner of this house." Jisoo smiles and approaches me. The man in front of us is suddenly pale and uneasy. "Hey, Jendeuk." She pulls a chair and sits beside me, pulling the contract from my hands.

"What are you doing here?" my mother's tone is harsh.

"It says here that one of the Kims has to marry that person, whoever she is." Jisoo says with furrowed brows.

"Exactly." He squints his eyes.

"Hey, you're a widow now, you can get married." She pushes the contract and the pen towards my mother, making me choke.

"WHAT?!" they say together.

"It's written here. Am I the only one who can read?" Jisoo says mockingly and I pinch her leg. "Aish, babe!" she pouts.

"This is no time for jokes!" I say irritated and she laughs.

"Hey, older Kim, you can get married, there are no legal impediments. You're a widow, free to love someone corrupt addict again."


"Sorry, she has a defined type." She shrugs "Hey, sorry to disappoint you and your superiors, but this house already belongs to me." She takes some papers from her overcoat and throws it at the gaping man in front of us.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" he quickly takes the paper and photographs it, sending it to someone. A few minutes later, his phone rings and he leaves to answer it.

"What do you mean this property is yours?"

"Jennie sold it to me."

"Jennie, what did you do?" my mother pulls me, making me turn to her "For how much?"

"For a $1 date, ridiculous, right?" Jisoo laughs.

"$1 date?" I look at her confused.

"It's a reference, Jendeuk" Jisoo rolls her eyes "I'll tell you the story later, it's a fiction that will challenge your own imagination!" She raises her eyebrows as if having fun with all this.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but this sales contract only says that as the property no longer exists, you'll now have to sign the common-law marriage agreement, Miss Jennie." my heart stops beating for a few seconds.

"Oh, Seungri, I don't think it works that way." Jisoo slaps his hand on the table and Seungri raises an eyebrow at her.

"That's not what was passed on to me."

"I don't care what was passed to you" Jisoo gets up "Take the papers for your boss to analyze. My number is at the end of the contract and I only work during business hours." She smiles at him and extends her hand to me "Let's go, Jennie? Your meeting is over."

I stand up and Jisoo pulls me out of the house, suddenly turning red. When I'm about to ask her what she has, she starts to laugh.

After 5 minutes she's still laughing, leaning against the car and starting to calm down.

"That was easier than I thought." Jisoo starts to dry her tears.

"What are you talking about? And what contract is that? When did I sell everything to you?"

"Oh, don't worry, that contract is fake. "She smiles proudly and I look at her incredulously.

"WHAT???? JISOO!" I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself "You said they're dangerous and are you playing low and childish pranks?"

"Don't you have faith in me, woman?" she pouts and pulls me close to her.

"What you think?" I say irritated and she smiles.

"I think you look even more beautiful when you're nervous, I love those puffed cheeks and the charming crease that forms on your forehead." She slides her fingertips across my cheeks and starts showering me with quick kisses. "My mandu is so cute!" Jisoo bites my cheek and I slap her arm.

"Do you want to explain to me what you did?" I pout and wrap my arms around her waist.

"I put a QR code in the contract. When Seungri scan, it will lead to a page full of viruses that will allow one of my contacts to hack that entire phone, plus every other device that scans those papers."

I'm silent as I analyze all this information. Jisoo's mind is really ahead of our time, I would never think of something of this magnitude.

She watches me expectantly and I sigh. I don't know what I did right in this life or in the past to deserve Kim Jisoo.

My stomach makes a loud noise and my cheeks automatically blush. I bite my mouth and roll my eyes while Jisoo's laughing at me.

"I think it's time to feed my mandu." Jisoo pouts.

" Stop teasing me!" I cross my arms and she hugs me tightly.

"I'm so happy that you trust me and tell me everything." She takes a few strands of hair from my face and puts behind my ear "May you remember me when you have a problem and call me to help you."

"I didn't know what to do."

"Keep thinking of me and calling me whenever you want, for problems or for nothing, I'm always free for you." She gives me a quick kiss.

"Chu, how do you know that man?"

"He was a collector of some bad people and go for the jail for some time. Seungri wanted Sehun to defend him at the time and I was against it." She shrugs.

"And how did he get out?"

"Something tells me the people he works for are worse now and they let him go." She says thoughtfully "Anyway, he won't bother you again for a few days and it's the deadline we have to finish them."

3 chapters...

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