**** THAT EVENING ****

Adithi's POV:

I felt tired as I walked towards my apartment. All this consultancy work may take another week to get completed. And Jeeva and Arya have completely left those under my control. I opened the door and walked in throwing my bag towards the couch. I walked to the kitchen and drank water and relaxed. I refreshed and made some coffee. 

I sipped the coffee walking towards the balcony. The beautiful scene and the not-so-cold wind calmed me. If Jeeva was here it would be more beautiful. I smiled at the thought of it. The doorbell alerted me. I ran to the door and opened it. Venkat Anna and Uthra was there. 'Hi!' Venkat Anna walked in as Uthra followed him. 

'Hi, Anna!' I greeted him with a smile. He seemed excited. Did Uthra tell him? For a minute there was an awkward silence. 'Adithi. Congratulations,' he hugged me. Uthra's eyes widened as I looked at her shocked. 'I was so happy after hearing it,' he parted away from me. 'Don't tell anything,' Uthra signed me. 'When are you telling Jeeva about it?' he asked. 'What Anna?' I asked confused. 

'The baby,' he smiled. 'You have to tell him that you're pregnant,' he smiled again. 'Pregnant?' I asked utterly confused. Uthra pleaded with me silently. 'Yeah. Yeah. I am pregnant. And I have to tell him. Soon,' I replied seeing her. He looked at Uthra for a minute and turned towards me. 'I cannot wait,' he said. I smiled awkwardly. Thank god! His phone rang. He walked towards the balcony leaving us alone. 

'Can you explain what's going on?' I asked Uthra. She explained what happened after she left. 'I am sorry Adithi. I had no other way,' she apologized. 'Actually, I didn't want to tell anyone about this. Because miscarriages are prone to happen in the first three to four weeks,' she sat on the couch with a worried face. I held her hand supportively. 'I don't want others to suffer if anything goes wrong. As a doctor, I advise pregnant ladies about it. And I have to follow it too,' she explained. 

'Hey! Nothing's gonna go wrong. Everything will happen the way it should. And be positive,' I cheered her up. 'And I am fine with this. Until no one knows this lie, I am perfectly fine. Because if anyone knows, it would get complicated. Hope you understand,' I pressed her hand. 'Yeah. I understand. I have told him not to tell anyone. And I will not too,' she smiled. 'I'm sorry,' she apologized again. 

'It's fine. Don't take the stress. Relax,' I smiled caressing her face. I can understand her heart. She is right. Venkat Anna came back. If he knows that Uthra is pregnant, he would be the happiest. 'I get you both something to eat,' I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed some fruits and nuts and Fresh juice for Uthra. She needs to eat healthily. The doorbell rang again. I walked to the living room and Uthra answered the door. 

It was Jeeva and Arya. Very perfect timing. They both were surprised to see Uthra and Venkat. 'What a surprise?!? Venkat is here,' Arya said. 'Is there something special?' Jeeva asked him. Don't ask, Jeeva. Just don't. He looked at me questioningly. 'We just passed by and Uthra wanted to see Adithi,' Venkat Anna replied. 'Yeah,' Uthra nodded. 'I'll be back,' I walked back to the kitchen and took some extra fruits and juice for them. 

I placed them on the table. 'What happened to you all of a sudden?' Jeeva asked me which made me choke. 'What?' I asked. 'The plates are filled with healthy snacks like almonds, raisins, and fruits. You never eat this much healthy,' Jeeva said pointing the tray. 'I advised her to eat like this. She said she is feeling tired lately,' Uthra saved me. 'Uthra get her a chair. She shouldn't be standing for a long time,' Venkat Anna said looking at me. 

Jeeva and Arya looked at him and then at me. 'I mean. She is already tired,' he explained. Please god, don't make this complicated. When Uthra rose from her seat, I signed her to sit. 'I will get it,' I walked to the dining table and dragged a chair near the couch. 'Come here and sit comfortably. I will sit there,' Venkat Anna got up and made me sit beside Uthra on the couch. 

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