Peach and Karin's Arc Part 1

Start from the beginning

*We see Karin walking down to the center of the stage with her head looking down to the floor before ahe slowly raises it, looks at the crowd who are giving her a mixed reaction and then walks down slowly to the ring and after she enters she just raises a fist in the air and then goes to her corner whilst looking at Daisy who is looking back at her before switching her focus onto Daisy*

Commentator: And here comes Karin Yuuki, the girl in question as whether to be trustworthy or not which will be decided in this match and it's all in her hands as depending on what she decides to do, she either will get one step closer to fulfilling her goals or not.

*We hear the bell being rung after the ref indicates to do so and Peach and Karin standing on opposite corners before they start circling around in thw ring to expect the other to make the first move*

Commentator: And this match is underway and Peach and Karin circle around the ring in caution knowing the first move could be a mistake.

*We see Karin offering a handshake and Peach accepting it only for Karin to quickly turn it into a wrist lock. After a couple of seconds, 10 to be precise, we see Peach spinning a bit till she manages to reverse the wrist lock to put the pressure now on Karin*

Commentator: So far it seems to be even albeit Peach should not trust Karin right off the bat or else things like that happen.

*We see Karin back kicking Peach on the belly to break the wrist lock and then proceeding to headlock takedown Peach. After that she wraps Peach's legs within hers and pulls Peach up into a rollup while keeping the headlock on*

Ref: 1!

*Peach kicks out at 1.5 and almost breaks up the headlock due to the kickout unstabilizing the headlock but Karin quickly kicks Peach on the side of the belly and reapplies it.
After a minute or so on the headlock, Peach starts to move till she manages to spring out of the headlock and do a rollup of her own by covering Karin's body with her own and hooking her legs.

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

*Karin kicks out at 2 and the match continues now with Peach dropkicking Karin and trapping her on a headscissors submission hold and when Karin attempts to kick her head to escape, she rolls her up to transition into a cradle ddt and covers Karin right away*

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

*Karin kicks out at 2...*

Commentator: Kickout from Karin and it becomes clear that Peach is now taking advantage of Karin attempting to kick her head in to gain the upper hand.

*And we see how Peach locks Karin back in a hold albeit this time it's bodyscissors and quickly attempts an rollup which gets a 2 count as Karin is still foggy from the cradle ddt.
Then Peach increases the pressure trying to obtain the submission victory but the only thing she does is damage Karin who refuses to give up*

Commentator: And Peach, taking advantage of Karin's foggy state due to the ddt to do some damage with headscissors.

*This pain gets rid of the foggyness of Karin and while it is hard for her to break away from the submission due to the bodyscissors taking their told, Karin manages to connect 3 elbows to escape and then connecting a high angle kick to the side of Peach's head before going for a cover*

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

*Peach kicks out at 2, however as soon aa she gets up, she gets taken down by Karin with a clothesline followed up by a springboard senton that has Karin twist in mid air after the springboard afterwards Karin goes into the cover again*

Commentator: Karin just came back into the match and might have ended it!

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

*Peach kicks out at 2.5 yet Karin isn't gonna give her room to breath as she irish whips her towards the ropes and into a boot to the face and follows it up with a combo of punches to the ribs and face before finishing it with yet another kick to the side of the head and once again going for the cover*

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

*Peach kicks out at 2.8 this time and Karin decides she's had enough and goes for an spinning roundhouse kick but Peach ducks under and rebounds off the ropes with a lariat taking down Karin who gets up only to get taken down with a sliding lariat to the, worked by the bodyscissors, ribs which makes Karin clutch em and allows Peach to connect with an enzuguri before going into the cover*

Commentator: Peach with a comeback of her own and into the cover!

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

*Karin kicks out at 2.9 and rolls to the outside to catch a breath...however this makes Daisy instantly suspicious of her because she thinks that she's gonna go for a weapon when in reality she's just recovering and Peach tells her this and the two of them start bickering about whether Karin was trying to go for a weapon or not with Peach taking the side of Karin not doing so since she hadn't cheated in the whole match and Daisy claiming that Karin was gonna go for a weapon since otherwise how was she gonna get back in the match.*

Commentator: Welp, here they go arguing and while they've got both a point Peach's gotta focus on the match!

*Karin coughs to catch Peach's attention before offering a lockup and this time Peach having noticed from the last time how it went accepting an offer from Karin, instead knees Karin in the face and quickly follows it up with the Royal Slam (Chokeslam into a Samoan Driver) and covers Karin afterwards*

Commentator: I'm being told that is called Royal Slam and Peach just connected and this could be it!

Ref: 1!

Ref: 2!

Ref: 3!

*the bell is rung as the crowd cheers and Peach gets up with the help of the ropes as "Lipstick Lies" by Oceans Divide plays on the background*

Commentator: Peach wins it!

Announcer: The winner of this match, Princess Peach!

*After doing that we see how Peach helps Karin to her feet and offers her a handshake and while Karin is about to accept it, she first looks at Daisy who tells her that she's got a chance but only ONE chance at not screwing up everything or else the partnership is off, and Karin then accepts the handshake and raises Peach's hand in the air in respect*

Commentator: Karin may be on a one shot line but she got what she wanted and hopefully this will prove to be good for everyone!

*Peach now climbs to the top rope and bows before doing a salute with her hand like royalty and going down from the turnbuckles and leaving with Karin and Daisy*

Peach and Karin's arc, Part 1: END.

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