The plane begins to move on the runway. Forrest felt Reva holding his hand. She was nervous he can tell that. "Hey, it is alright Honey. We will be up in the air in no time." He said looking into her big brown eyes. The plane took off slowly reaching cruising altitude. "Here, it will relax you both and if you wish to you can take some rest into the back cabin." Eros offered them drinks. "Thank you for saving us," Reva said looking at Forrest who looked relaxed but concerned lined his amber eyes.

"We need the medical kit. Can you help me with dressing my wound after I am done with her?" He asked Eros. "Sure, I will bring the kit wait here." He told them and walked away. "How did it felt surviving that?" Forrest asked. "I never would have thought that our trip will be going to end on a bitter note like this. I mean, I still haven't gotten to see half the city. And I wanted to spend more time in that hotel room with you." He moved his fingers over her face. "Now who is getting addicted, Miss Mathur?" He asked kissing her lips. She responded back. And then after pulling back placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I thought I have lost you for a while. Forrest, I can never imagine a life without you." He confessed. "Neither can I. Honey, you know you are the most important person in my whole life." He picked the glass and placed it on her lips. She took a little sip. "Good?" Forrest asked. She nodded and he drank from the same one from the same spot looking into her eyes making her blush. "Hmmm, you are quite right honey, it tastes sweeter this way." Someone cleared his throat. They both looked at Eros.

"The first aid kit, let me take a look at the wound." He cut her sleeve carefully and checked it. "Just a graze." He informed. "You will live." Forrest chuckled. "It is not so funny Forrest, she is still in lots of pain." Forrest looked at Eros indifferently. "Ramon I don't know how you can think that I am going to let her get hurt when I am around. She is my future wife, my fiancée, and the love of my life. I can never ever let her get hurt." He said looking at Reva. And she can see the sincerity in his words. "Hold still we need to give you this shot, it is effective and helps heal the wound faster."

"Hold on what is that?" Forrest asked. "antibiotics, in liquid form and much more effective too. If you are forgetting I am a doctor too," "Oh you are? Must have slipped my mind." Forrest mocked. "Forrest" Reva said "Don't pick up fights" Forrest smiled. "You want me to fight with all the world, Miss Mathur." He whispered. "You are going to get in trouble over me someday." She said touching his face as Eros dressed his wound. "you are worth getting at trouble into my love. My sweet little birdie." And he hugged her.

Eros placed a blanket over them. Never in his million thoughts, he thought that a trip to Paris would be this exciting for him. He was surprised to get the call from his arch-nemesis. But then again, he cannot say no when the life of two people who happened to love each other unconditionally was at risk. He cannot refuse to do this; he saves lives it is what he is best at. 

"Sir" He turned around placing a finger on his lip silencing the flight attendant. He moved back closing the cabin door. "There is a phone for you sir. And I have your drink ready." He dismissed her. And then picked his SAT phone.

"Did you find them? Are they safe?" Eros chuckled. "Fancy hearing those words from you Woodland, you caring for a person an actual person and not your precious asset I have onboard currently. But I have them, they are alright apart from a few nicks and sleeping soundly." Christopher pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Thank you, keep me updated and I will be there when they land." He cut the call. "Are they alright?" Christopher looked at his beautiful wife. "Yes, little pixie, your brother and my sister both are alright. I knew Ramon will come through for it." She handed him something. "You have a headache yet again, here take these" She placed the pills next to his coffee.

Christopher pulled Pia into his arms. "All I need is you, my love. And I would have the cure for all my pain." He stroked the skin on her neck. "You are so beautiful. So, much more than anything in this entire world." He told her. 

"Roy..." He placed his lips on hers kissing her. "Stop talking for a while love, let me love you, I know you are tensed too, I can feel it. I can feel how tensed you have been since that incident. Since, that plane crash." She pulled back.

"Chris, that wasn't a plane crash, it was a planned attack. A plane was set to lose control like that upon approach, and if it wasn't for the pilot and the flight attendant's quick thinking, we would have lost it all. Could someone want something so badly that they don't care who they hurt in the process?" She asked looking at the horizon from the window of her house. 

"Some people do not care. It is how the world works. Some people are cruel and some people are selfish. And even if we want all of them to think rationally and think about how it can affect others then all of them would become good. That is something of a utopia darling" He stood up and held her from behind. Pia turned around and buried her chest into his arms.

"Roy, I cannot take it anymore. I have been through enough; I have seen enough. I cannot get through more." Christopher knew she wasn't wrong. She had gone through many ordeals herself. "Don't worry you don't have to love. I promise you don't" He kissed on top of her head and hugged her tightly. "Thank you." She whispered hugging him back. Christopher knew he had to make sure that no one hurts his friends and family ever again and that too very soon.

Forrest woke up seeing Reva was coiling to him. And they were still in flight. He heard a knock on the cabin door. "Yes," He called. "Sir, you might want to fasten your seatbelts. The plane is about to land. Forrest nodded and shook Reva lightly. 

"Five more minutes" He saw the flight attendant leave. He kissed her lips moving to her neck. She groaned. "Forrest, too early to become your horny self." He chuckled again. "Get up honey we are about to land." He told her. Her eyes opened and looked at his.

"Are we really back?" He nodded helping her up and getting her to the seats putting their seatbelts on as Eros came and sat on the opposite seat from them. "How are you both doing?" He asked. "Fine, I am not going to have that kind of adventure ever again in my life," Forrest promised. "Considered me put off of any kind of adventure for rest of my life" Reva sounded so defeated. "Here I was thinking of inviting you to a date," Eros said looking at Reva. "She is engaged," Forrest said dryly.

"What with you, best friends? Do you have to take every woman I chose off the list before I even get to them?" Eros asked. "It is your fault that you chose the wrong ones, not our Eros. Go and find someone else." Eros chuckled shaking his head. "You know you are right. There are many out there who wants to be with me. I am Eros Ramon De La Cruz, who do not want to be with me?" He asked as the plane touched down.

 "There are many who care about your wealth, but there will be just one who would care for what is inside. Go for the one who is good for your heart, not just your name." Reva said looking at Eros. And Forrest concluded that she really had changed a lot or perhaps she is showing the thing she had hidden all the time. The true Reva Mathur, sensitive, sweet Reva and he loves every single side of hers. 

Word Count: 2272 Words

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