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Forrest woke up in a white room filled with the smell of disinfectant. As much as he was used to this smell and place, he always hated to be on the receiving end of it. His eyes adjusted to the light and the first thing he saw was Reva. 

She was sleeping with her head on the bed and a book in her hand. She looked uncomfortable sleeping in a sitting position. His face broke into a smile. She does care, no matter how much she wants not to. She does care about him.

Forrest heard the door open and a doctor came in. He placed a finger on his lips telling him to be silent. And the doctor nodded in understanding. Forrest covered her in his sheet. "Mr. Lyte, how are you feeling today? Is there any pain?" The doctor asked whispering. "Just a little stiffness in the shoulder." He told him. 

"You are very lucky this time, if a little bit lower the metal would have pierced your vital organs, please do not drink and drive like this again. You have a lovely family, a fiancée who cares and loves you so much." Forrest was surprised at that phrase.

"Fiancée?" He asked. "Do you have a concussion Mr. Lyte or you not recognize the girl beside you? She had been here every day without fail. She had sat by you all night long, she didn't lose hope when you didn't wake up even after forty-eight hours. She had done all she can to help you. You are very lucky Sir." Forrest looked at the petty brunet in front of him.

 "Indeed I am lucky. How long I was out for?" Forrest asked. "A week today." He was surprised that even after how he behaved with her, she stayed with him. And not just for a day. "When can I go home doctor?" He asked. "When your reports come back if there is no further complication you can go home right away." Forrest thanked the doctor as he left.

He cannot believe she had stayed. She was definitely something else. He touched her face and she called his name "Forrest I am sorry" He was again very surprised "Why are you sorry, little birdie? It is I who was at fault, I have hurt you, I am sorry." He whispered carefully not to wake her up. He didn't want her to wake up just yet. He was just looking at her tiny stature.

 "Reva Mathur you are something." He said to himself. Then he felt her stare. And then she woke up looking into his eyes surprised. "You are awake," She said almost with disbelief in her voice. "Yes, Miss Mathur I am alright." Then the unexpected happens and she begins to cry.

Forrest pulled her closer. "Don't cry little birdie, don't cry see I am in one piece. I am here, I am here" He said softly rocking her back and forth. "I am fine, no scratch on my face or anywhere." She stopped and looked at him. "I thought I lost you, please don't do it again. Please" She said. "I promise little birdie, I am not going to do this ever again," Forrest looked at her appearance. She seems to lost weight and seems that she hasn't been sleeping well either. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked. "No, I am fine, what is important now that you get well quickly. There are many patients that are waiting for their heartthrob heart specialist to return" "Is a certain intern is in line for that admiration?" She blushed looking away.

"I...I must go and see that whether it is alright with the reports or not and then I will ask the doctor if I can take you home." Forrest looked at her seriously "Where I will be sleeping than, at that bed of yours with dark red sheets and lots of furry pillows?" "I... I didn't mean my house; I mean your sir" She shuttered badly. "So, where you will sleep then? Next to me?" She got more embarrassed. 

 "I must go and call the doctor, I must know..." He held her hand in his "Tell me, Miss Mathur, if you find that you are the only person in the world who can help me through my sickness, but you might too get the disease and leave a permanent scar on your soul for it, will you still choose to go through it and chose to save me?" He asked. "I will always choose to save you in every situation Forrest because that what friends are for that's what friends do." She said getting up.

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