“Ugh! I’ve been dreaming to fuck that ass for as long as I have known you but you just too stingy to give it out. Pussy gold or something?” Pouring himself a glass of $25,000 Hennessey taking a sip, eyes shamelessly lost in brazen lust.

Chuckling. “Nah… your broke ass can’t just afford it. It’s a designer pussy, baby boy.” Blowing him a kiss sauntering back to my truck not waiting for his reply hearing his laughter behind me.

“You will always be my favorite!” He exclaims watching me strut to my truck giving no reply, just a smile playing on my lips. “See you around, Miss Unknown!” I wave my right hand in the air climbing the truck speeding off.

It took majority of the day to distribute the products to my customers evenly; you can imagine Barbie dolls dropped at law firms, clubs, market place, china town, bars and best of them all, the hospital. Guess even doctors or patients’ needs the boost but what do I care.

My job is to safely get blocks of cocaine into the country without the feds on my neck, repackage it and distribute it to our consumers with no question. And for years I took the job with apt preciseness.

All in a day’s work rolling two boxes with extra heavy weighed bag on top each straight ahead to the boss’s office with a smile on my face. Today is the day. Years of slaving and working my ass off brought me to this day. A day of freedom.

I couldn’t be anymore happier seeing that the joy reverberating in my heart is finally fulfilled. Before I left home, I made sure to get my passports and visa ready knowing that after this moment nothing will bring me back to this cursed life and there I can raise my family, living the happy life I always dreamed about. Rather than a stripper or a drug dealer, so yeah, I work my butt off for years and nothing can take this moment from me.

Twisting the door knob pulling the door open to be met by a horrible sight tipping it off with ugly sex sounds revealing Uncle and bitch ass Stacy doing what I always suspected ever since she got here. She sits on top of him panting like a dog bouncing fake tits on his face indulge in promiscuity.

Ugh, I’m scarred for life. Clueless, if to make a sound making known of my presence or just wait it out. Guess what? I choose the latter dwelling on happy thoughts than my boss fucking my arch enemy.

Clearly, they were so engrossed in the moment it took them longer seconds to notice my presence in the room looking at them like I am going to puke or better yet, pluck my eyes out. She shrieks jumping off him eyeing me disdainfully not finding the decency to cover herself.

Yeah, I know she is a thirsty bitch who hates my guts but fucking the boss… Come on, now.

“Uncle, I need to speak to you alone.”
Speaking to the boss yet my eyes solely focus on nasty Stacy glaring at me venomously as I give her my infamous crooked grin that interprets 'Bitch, it best not be me you have that look for before I reconstruct your plastic surgery for you'; meanwhile Uncle couldn’t care less about the tension between the two of us reaching for his cigar on the table lighting it back up. “In private.” I add glaring deadpan at her to dare me further.

She lowers her gaze looking at Uncle to probably order me out while they continue with their horrible sex in the office. Well, no. Uncle taps her silicon ass signaling her to sit up fully and give us some alone time. Angrily, she drags her skirt down fuming while at it; just as she walked past me she bumps purposely into me before closing the door behind her.

Can a bitch just die? Glaring at the closed door.

“What do you want, Trinity?” Uncle’s deep voice asks unenthusiastic.

Placing each baggage in front of him. I muse. “I have distributed the products. Here is your money. Twenty five million.” The excitement building up watching him open each boxes and bags inspecting for confirmation not that his dumb ass will count the money which is the least of my problems. It's his money and not mine.

Well, that is not what I need to concern myself on. Waiting for the words to fly out of his lips yet it seems like I’m mocked with silence or my mind is playing tricks on me.

“And? What are you waiting for? Leave.” Throwing me off. Maybe he has forgotten what today is for me, T?

“It’s my last day. I have paid my debt in full. I want to be free.” A not so gentle reminder as though it came out through gritted teeth.

His head moves slowly from looking out the window tills it rests on me resuming his smoke. He chuckles puffing out a ring. “Free? Free? I own you, Trinity. You are nothing without me and you will always be nothing without me.”

It felt like my heart sink faster than the titanic ship added by a slap to the face and a weave yank. Being startled with the sentence is just an understatement; or maybe he is pulling my legs but as I watch him sit back enjoying his cigar sent a different message to my brain. He is not.

Getting angry, feeling broken. “That was not the agreement Uncle. I did the jobs no matter how dangerous or close to death I was. I fucking made your club the best in Atlanta and the whole of Georgia. Hell, east coast for the fun of bragging rights. Everything I did, I did it for this day now you strip of my right to freedom.” By the end my voice became a hoarse glaring at him in hate close to tearing up.

“It is what it is, Trinity.”

Shaking my head in disbelief after plotting my grand escape now the brothers have found me; it’s only a matter of time before they get here and I am left with their anger.

Tears spilled from my eyes. “I saw the letters my mother kept for me and you promised that once her debt was paid you will let me go. She owed you five years of her life but she ran away because you were treating her unfairly and now, now, you do the same to me. She died because of you, you fucking monster!” I scream, crying profusely.

“Change of plans. You work for me now. If you leave now don't you know the club and the business will go low, beside there's no one to fill your position. You stay.” He says leisurely placing both feet on the maroon desk with a devious expression on his face.

“You can’t do that. I did everything you asked of me without question. This place is what it is because of Trinity. Five fucking years. This is not the life I want to live in. My mum…”

Slamming his hands on the table showing his six foot plus height giving me a fright. “Your whore of a mother should have thought of that before she stole my money and ran away with it. When your wretched poor excuse of a father died, I took her in and fed her. And she dared to repay me by stealing from me. She fucking lucky she died and now I own you.”

The tears spilled uncontrollably down my face. Muffled. “I am not your property. I am leaving.” Wiping the angry tears turning my back straight for the door. He cannot do this me.


A bullet hit the wall creating a dent in it. “One step outside those doors and everything you ever love will be gone in the next second. Even you.” The big boss threatens.

Turning slightly, glaring hard at him as I sob. “I hate you.” Pulling the door open and slamming it hard. The pains too much to bare knowing I can never escape this life. I thought I could handle it all, that I could be more smarter but I was wrong; very, very wrong. The pains blinded my sight walking out of the club in tears ignoring Loraine's and Bobby's calls as soon as they see my tear stained face not without missing the smug grin on nasty Stacy's face.

I ran into my car slamming the doors shut bawling a loud wail soaking myself in angry streams of sorrows and pray for an escape to death. Regrets seeping in.

I wish I never left. I wish I stayed back in New York... With them.

Abbie cares

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