"Did you two have a fun lesson today?"

She hears Gwen's father asks and from the corner of her eye she can see Gwen nod happily and before she knows it, her friend starts to tell him all about the day. Taking this time, Skye carefully leans back in the seat and let's her friend do all the talking and to her surprise, Gwen's father doesn't try to pull her into the conversation, the only time she speaks is when Gwen asks her something. Her answers are mostly short and to the point, but she finds it odd that the older man sitting in the front doesn't seem to care about that.

Remembering other play dates, she has had, she can clearly remember the parents of the other child asking her a lot of question and she could see them get slightly frustrated with her when she didn't speak as much and the fact that she was rude, at least in their eyes. The situation she is in now is completely different and that makes her worry for a whole other reason.

She's happy however when the car finally comes to a stop, signalling that they have reached their destination. Beside her, Gwen could hardly be still, and Skye can't help but to smile slightly about that. Gwen's father, George, she forces herself to remember, leaves the car first and walks around to open the door for them. Feeling how Gwen takes her hand once more, Skye finds herself being pulled out of the car.

"Come on! I need to show you, my room!"

Gwen tells her happily and Skye can feel her smile grow slightly, this whole thing is completely knowing to her, and she have no idea of what to think. But in that moment, she come to realise one thing, her new friend is slightly crazy, and she absolutely love it. Gwen ends up showing her around the whole house and the back yard before they finally end up on the floor of the living room, playing kid clue.

Before she knew it, there was a knock on the door and Maria has been let inside. Turning her head from the board, Skye smiles big and is quickly up on her feet, running to hug Maria tightly. Hearing her sister laugh lightly and hugging her back, Skye realises she's not as worried or tense as she had thought she would be. Somewhere along the two hours of her being in this house, she has calmed down enough to feel okay to be there without having her siblings around. And it didn't scare her either.

She said goodbye to Gwen and her parents and promised Gwen that they will have to do this again soon before leaving with Maria. Once they were in the car, Maria asks her how the day had gone and Skye finds herself telling Maria about everything that happened, well, almost everything, she didn't mention the small panic attack when she had seen and entered the police car, just in the same way as Gwen had spoken to her father on the drive home to her.

Looking up at the rear-view mirror, she can see Maria smiling big, she can also she how proud she looks, which makes Skye lower her head slightly. She wasn't used to people acting proud over her, it was a new feeling and it still throw her off every time. Somewhere in her mind she knows she shouldn't be this surprise over it; Natasha, Maria and Clint have the habit of telling her how proud they are over her every moment they got. Melinda, Phil and Victoria had all done it too when she lived with them.

For now, she just let it slide, she could only hope she would get use to it at some point if this were going to happen. For now, she just wants to think back on they day she has had, and she realises she can't wait for the next time.

As time passed, she grows closer and closer to Gwen, the two of the becoming an unstoppable team when they put their minds to something. Gwen had found a passion in playing the drums shortly after her mother had passed away and Skye had made sure to stick around when ever she could just to be there for her friend. Shortly after, Gwen stopped coming to the dance lessons, which made Skye more determined that they needed to see one another at least once a week.

When ever she was over at the Stacy house, she would listen to Gwen play on her drums or they would hang around with the neighbour kid Peter, Skye still being surprised that she has two friends in her own age. The days when Gwen would come over to hang at her place, they would come to realise just how good Skye is when it comes to computers, which wasn't an information Maria was overly happy with. Clint and Natasha on the other hand thought it was absolutely brilliant to have their own little hacker in the house.

There had been a small rift created between her siblings and Gwen's father when Natasha one day showed up to pick Skye up, fully dressed in her Black Widow clothing. He had not been all to happy about the fact that he had not been told that his daughters best friends siblings work for S.H.I.E.L.D. George got over the fact after a few weeks, after Gwen had told him he was acting like a child and refused to come home until he started to act like the adult he is.

It was in that moment Skye was sure that Natasha and Clint fully accepted Gwen, allowing the girl to come over whenever she needed too. Victoria had also been introduced to Gwen when she had been placed as a babysitter since Maria, Natasha and Clint were all needed for a mission.

Her life was finally starting to look better, she had siblings that loves her and will do anything for her, and she had tested that theory. She has a best friend, something she never thought would ever happen, let alone having another one. Her nightmares had slowly disappeared, or at least she doesn't have them as often as before. She was sure her life was finally on the right track, she had finally a life she should have had years ago. 

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