16:Rooftop girl

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This city's gonna break my heart
This city's gonna love me, then leave me alone
This city's got me chasin' stars
It's been a couple months since I felt like I'm home

The house lights go off. The city goes dark, the street lights come on. The number of cars on the road reduces, drunk drivers kill less. Stars shine brighter than ever. The view from up here is quite exquisite. The chilly wind blowing my hair back. It's quiet and peaceful, no human beings just me and him in peace. He is shining not so bright tonight but for me he's just perfect. He isn't bothered by me at all, he's gotten used to my presence at this time. He sees me and smiles at me. I'm not bothered by him either. I look up and close my eyes before giving him a smile in return. I'm happy, I'm content, I'm satisfied. 'One more breath of fresh air' I say to myself then off to sleep I go. She the brightest of all stars comes out, covering him in plain sight. Like an alarm she bothers my peaceful rest. Bringing a reminder that the night is long over. At least I lived in the moment, I deeply sigh. He then whispers in the distance 'In a few hours we'll be at peace again.' I just smile and laugh at how I've fallen asleep on this rooftop once again.

I stopped writing realizing how much this poem had engulfed me. I was never one for novels and books but I had a shocking interest in poetry. I really hated reading but I didn't mind when it came to poetry. My dream was to have my own podcast in future where I read my own poems to the whole world. The only person I had told about this was Andrew and he told me I should try it out by doing a mini radio station just to figure out if it's really what I wanted to do. I really couldn't bring myself to do so after his death. Since then I've felt like there's way too much pain, so much I haven't said somewhere deep down inside of me that I could turn into something really special to share with the world.

My English teacher once told me if I was serious, I'd be a great poet in future. I knew at the time I had an interest but I wasn't so sure about it. In the meantime it remained a burning passion I wanted to keep working on and put in to use someday.

How are you so dumb yet so smart bitch?

I lied down on my back feeling very sleepy. It was really chilly up here but I loved it this way.

"Eyy, Rooftop girl, it's a school night you know" I was startled by his voice, we'd never really talked to each other out of school hours or band practice ever since he dropped me home that night.

"Zayn?" I sat up looking at him. He was standing by his room window which I had only just realized was just opposite mine.

Alaska I hope you've had your curtains closed everytime you've changed because if not, Lord knows this guy has seen everything!

"Why are you looking at me as if you've seen a ghost?" He laughed. This was the first time I was hearing him laugh. Was he drunk?

"Zayn are you ok in the head?"

"Yeah" his tone said obviously.

"You do realize you're talking to me right, Alaska"

"Yeah, I'm not blind"

"The girl who forced her way into your band?"

"Yep, I don't see a problem with that"

Is he insane?!

"Your next door neighbor you don't like?"

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