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Baby I'm a queen,
so why do you call me baby?
It's been about a week,
it's too soon for nicknames

"Alaska you're late for practice for the fourth time this week"

"Well I finally got you say my name right for the first time this week" I winked.

"Alaska this band isn't a joke"

"Come on Zayn lighten up, even black hair doesn't look grumpy today"

"My name is Cynthia"

"And I didn't ask, Zayn I can't attend practice today I have to go" I walked towards the door but turned around after being yanked roughly. It was Cynthia.

"Listen bitch..."

"Thanks for the compliment" I smiled it wasn't even a second before my smile turned into a smirk and I gazed at her, grabbing her by her hoodie "Now you listen! This PUFF SLEEVE ZIP-UP JACKET WITH MONOGRAM FLOWER HEART PATCH! You just yanked is a Louis Vuitton." I knew my clothing "I'm sure you can't afford it, but show some darn respect" I could see her fear for a second before she covered it up.

"I'm not afraid of you Alaska" She forced an intimidating face.

"I'd fight you now but I'm not in the mood for drama"

"Come on don't be a ...."

"That thing gave birth to you, to everyone for crying out loud so I don't see a problem with it, come on let's settle this adult style" I can't believe I just said that.

"A singing battle"

"Are you sure about that because I'm as good as Mariah Carey" or even better

"You'll prove it on Sunday,underground at seven thirty, if I win you're out of the band and if you win you get to stay"

"I was born a winner"

"I have real talent bi..."

"This thing thinks it's better than me" I burst into laughter interrupting her.

"Laugh while you can baby" Zayn imitated a baby cry"You'll be crying like one after the battle.

"Baby?" I scoffed "I'm a queen" I dramatically turned around raised my middle finger and walked out.

* * *

Alaska what are you freaking doing

My legs walked over here

Alaska that's the heart controlling you listen to me your brain

Press the door bell! Press the door bell!


I pressed it oh no I pressed it

"Alaska??" The little brunette opened the door, she jumped on me wrapping her arms around me. This was sweet and all but like guys this isn't my type of scenario with kids. "I last saw you in this house when I was six" I'm not in the moods to do maths how old is she since I haven't been here for two years. Whatever

Alaska [INCOMPLETE]]Where stories live. Discover now