9:Traumatizing thoughts

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What do you say
When you just don't know how you feel?
And you know nobody knows how you feel
'Cause everybody's got their own damn problems

It had been two weeks since the party. Zayn was currently losing it. I hadn't talked to any of the band members since I'd been skipping school the whole week. He looked pissed, hell no, he was not just pissed, even frustrated was an understatement.

"Chill it's not like anything important happened while I was not here" I rolled my eyes

"Alaska dammit! If you not going to take this seriously then leave because I'm tired of tolerating your nonsense"

"You sound just like the principal" I laughed clearly my timing was bad because he stood up roughly knocking down the chair he was sitting on.

"This isn't a joke" he glared at me

"Anger issues much" I was getting on his last nerve and I purposely continued because it amused me.

"Alaska stop" Nick warned

"Or what" I chuckled.

Unexpectedly Zayn grabbed me by my leather jacket pulling me roughly towards him. Our faces so close to each other. He looked into my eyes, the anger clearly visible on his face. I was really scared.

Realizing how wrong he had reacted he quickly let go. Mumbling a bunch of cuss words at his actions. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that"

Still in shock I just slowly took a few steps back. My heart was still beating as I nicely tried to process what had just happened.

Did he just try to hurt me?

I took a couple of deep breaths and when I felt calm enough. I slowly walked to where my bag was, grabbed it and walked towards the exit before I left I turned around.

"I'll be there for the gig on Sunday" I quietly said not sure if they had heard me since they were still staring at me.

It was not long before I got to my locker. I opened it slowly exchanging my books. I started hearing voices in my head and before I knew it, it started painfully pounding.

Shit, stop thinking about it!

It's not that I cared about Zayn but I'd still expected him to be a gentleman at least. Maybe I was failing to process because it reminded me of a very traumatizing experience I'd had before Andrew... I quickly silenced the thoughts knowing very well what would end up happening if I kept thinking of it.

"Alaska are you ok?" Todd suddenly appeared next to me.

"Of course,I'm fine" I didn't look him in the eye. He sighed before closing my locker and standing in front of me.

"You're not"

"Then if you know,why did you bother asking me?" I rolled my eyes "Please just get out of my way?"

"Zayn didn't mean to do what he did there, I promise you he's never done that to a girl ever."

"I don't care now get out of my way" My head was getting worse as the thoughts of that day were slowly coming back.

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