7:Janitor's closet

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Ha-ah-ah-ah, meet me there
Ha-ah-ah-ah, meet me there
Ah-ah, meet me there
Ha-ah-ah-ah, meet me there

"I honestly think you are a jerk ass"

"His even worser than that his an ass hole"

"Stop using bad language no wonder he cheated on you all"

"Says the princess, what makes you think he'll stay loyal to you"

"Exactly once a player always a player"

I have been standing here for the past couple of minutes watching these girls fight for Australian Guy and I had a good laugh when they started physically fighting and he vanished and they didn't even notice. I chuckled opening my locker before glossing my lips and walking into the bathroom.

It wasn't long before I had a voice I was very familiar with, I quickly rushed into the stall putting my feet up.

"Amy she's going to steal your man!"

"Why are you shouting?"

"You are not realizing the gravity of the situation"

"Zayn has no interest in her" Amy said I could hear her camera click, she has always been a photo addict.


"Lydia listen Zayn doesn't care about her"

"I seriously feel like sometimes you forget the only reason you and Zayn are even together"

"Shut up!" I knew they had gone when the sound of their noisy heels became distant.

Realizing I was late to class, I got relaxed. I opened my Instagram seeing on the notifications, Todd had started following me. I tapped onto his account and let me just say I almost had a heart attack at that moment, his page was so professional and he looked ....I tapped on the picture of him shirtless and on their own my fingers double tapped hearing the passages were now quiet, I noted to self I should follow him back later.

I was in the passage on my way to class when someone opened the Janitor's closet door and it hit me exactly on my right eye.

"What the..."

"Dang I'm so sorry!" It was a boy but I still had both my eyes closed so I couldn't see who it was,though the voice sounded very familiar. He put both his arms on my shoulders and pulled me in and sat me on a chair.

"What the heck!?"

"I didn't see you"

"At least open the door like a decent person!"

"I'm sorry Alaska it was a mistake"

"Argh, is my eye swollen?" I removed my hand over my eye

"Well if a bump doesn't count as swollen then not really"

"Just get me some ice" I sighed

He opened the door and I heard him yell

"Hey stupid get me some ice be quick " I inwardly rolled my eyes. Feeling the pain slightly decrease I opened my eyes. Seeing who it was I immediately threw my purse at him.

"That hurt!"


"It was a mistake"

"Whatever Australian guy"


"I said Australian guy!"

"My name is Nick"

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