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So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather

A/n in case you guys don't know the song, this is it Before you go by Lewis Capaldi, so the lyrics for the song written by Zayn and Cynthia imagine them with this tune, so y'all aren't so clueless.

Let's get to it

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"Can I help you Miss"she asked for the seventh time

"Once again no, Thank you"

"You have been sitting here for over an hour"

"I know, I'm still waiting for the rest of the band"

"Miss, it's now past dinner time,I don't think they will show up"

"Shut up!" I snapped

I had been waiting here for two hours now. As soon as I finished rehearsing with Nick, I went home to get prepared and since it was already five I quickly rushed here. I made sure everything was in order and when I was done I decided to wait. Several people had gone in and out of the restaurant since I arrived but there was still no sign of any of my band mates. I was beginning to be convinced they stood me up. The only reason I was still here was because there was still that little glimpse of hope in me.

"Sorry about that, I meant I'm fine"

"Are you sure"

"Yes, I'm really fine"

"Just call me if you need anything'


I took my phone out of my pocket calling Todd again but it went straight to voicemail, for what felt like the hundredth time today. I was ready to just go home. I stood up heading to the waitress who had given us this gig.


"They aren't coming?"

"I guess so"


"It's ok"

I was about to wave good bye to her when they all came rushing in through the door.

"Alaska!" Nick shouted "We're here, we're here!"

Zayn and Todd were wearing formal shirts with cargo pants. Nick was wearing a t-shirt and a formal slim fit while Cynthia was wearing a red, tight, pencil dress at knee length.

Note to self never again ask Nick to be in charge of the dress code

I didn't even care about why they took so long to get here anymore, they had showed up and that was what mattered to me at this point.

"Let's do this!" I yelled

It didn't take long for us to set up. As soon as we were done, the lights were deemed and we took our positions. The piano intro slowly began, and quietly the guitar joined as well.

"Since I was young, I've only known you
We played, we talked we grew in everything we were together
In every memory you seem to be there
Now that you're leaving I feel like they so much I haven't said"

The lights slowly began shining on us.

"From the day I first met you
I always knew I'd stick by you
I can never forget you"

Alaska [INCOMPLETE]]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora